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Tuesday 16 August 2022

Weigh day - will I lose or not?

Tuesday 16th August 2022
Be gentle with yourself, you're doing the best you can.

Well the moody menopausal bitch has been put firmly back in her box again thankfully, yesterday was a much calmer day, the fact it was cooler helped immensely. 

I went and did my swim again, an hour, 32 lengths which is half mile, it's not easy and I take breaks but I'm doing it and I'm hoping eventually it will be easier.  I would just like to ease the joint and muscl pains I have.  

Calorie wise, I went over again - but at least it was all honestly tracked and to be honest most of it was healthy food.  I had a tin of minestrone soup with the leftover baguette and spread.  This was dinner, lightly dusted fish with cabbage and mash, I didn't add any milk or butter to the mash.

But I finished my day off with a cheese and onion cob and wine, oh and some onion rings which have now been removed from my grasp, I given Aryn the rest of the box to hide in his room and not return to me under any circumstances because I'm not actually enjoying them anymore, I'm just eating them because they're there!  Oh that cheese and onion cob though was amazing.  

The crusty bread has all gone now so I can blow calories on that again.  I'm cooking a chicken later for dinner, I have some leftover cabbage and a bit of mash so there's a meal.  Just need to work out what to put with Aryn's chicken, oh I have corn on the cob, if they haven't gone off or green beans, maybe do him rice, mmm maybe I'll do me rice, we shall see. 

It's weigh day and I have no idea how I'm going to do.  This is my average stats for the past week, so I've averaged 1977 a day, my allowance is 1782, that's set for me to lose 1lb a week but I also tell the app I'm inactive both at work and leisure.  

I have been swimming 3 times alone and once with Aryn this week so all that helps by burning some extra calories, plus we walked a few mile Saturday.  Ah I've just worked out how to change the 'start day' on my app, so this is what the totals look like.

I'm not sure how accurate those exercise swimming calories are, but I'll take them.  I'm sure the scales will tell me in a couple of hours.  I feel better in myself, so I'll take it.

Well I'm cured of thinking the puppy next door is cute lol, he's whined for 3 nights now, I know its to be expected but what with that and the heat, I just want a decent nights sleep.  

The weather, lack of sleep, it all affects your weight loss too I believe, I've struggled with swimming the last two times because I'm tired before I get in the pool, I've not got as much energy to do stuff round the house and it's too damn warm to want too!

Anyway, wish me luck, here's to a great day, hopefully some rain to clear the air and a loss on the scales would be nice too.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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