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Friday 26 August 2022

I love food I do....

Friday 26th August 2022
Your best is good enough!

I really enjoyed all my meals yesterday, that's the first time I've said that this week!  Breakfast was 2 eggs scrambled on a piece of toast with a grilled tomato, 243 calories including the mug of tea.  I reminded myself I'm not the Ark, Everything doesn't need to go in two by two, hence the one slice.

Aryn chose lunch and it was lovely, 487 calories for crispy batter fish fingers, frozen chips and garden peas, you've gotta have ketchup and vinegar on that.

I finally got my cheese pizza, Aryn had the same, it's just shy of 700 for the whole thing but I gave him one of my slices because he inhaled his and I was satisfied, don't get me wrong I could've eaten the other slice but not doing so mean't I'd got enough calories for a glass of wine.  Plus we have pizza for the weekend too, so it's not like I won't get to eat it again soon.

I'm still in more pain than usual with my sciatica, so I'm going to skip swimming this morning, don't want to make it worse and I've got an awful lot of driving to do this weekend, don't want to be in agony doing that.  Gutted because I'm enjoying the swimming, but I'll get back to it next week for sure.

I've got a lot to do this morning too, Aryn has to go have a blood test to check his iron levels again.  He's gonna be thrilled when I wake him up at half 8, because I could here him still playing those damn computer games at 1am this morning - grrrr.  

I will survive the Bank Holiday weekend!  I shared these recipes yesterday in our Facebook group Kebab recipes | Nutracheck they look delicious, Nutracheck really is a great app, it makes tracking so much easier and compared to others it's not only really cheap - it's accurate.

Right that's me, I'm getting my washing done, forced myself to do washing up last night, might need to get a high stool for doing that if this pain doesn't ease up, mom had one of them, wished I'd kept it lol.

Have a fab Friday.

Mwah, luv ya 

love me 

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