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Wednesday 30 December 2015

Here's to making new routines!

30th December 2015
You can't spell challenge without change.
I've woke up in a 'doing' mood, I think my batteries are finally recharged and I'm ready to tackle the house!  If I can get it spick and span (well our version of it) before I return to work, I'll find the busy of January in combination with starting the Smart plan a great deal easier.  So yeah today I clean and tidy, I'll put my superhero cape on and everything :)

Routine, that was a word that came to mind this morning as I was about to meditate, I like routine, it works for me, I have as bad a memory as my mom so if I have routine it helps, if I can get into the habit of doing things I don't have to think about them then, they're automatic.  I need more of that in my life as I have so much to think about and do constantly that if some of its automatic, that can only be a good thing. 

One example of a routine I got into last year was the pint of water I get as soon as I wake up, that's a great habit, it ensures I at least have some water each day, it's become that I very often pour another glass which also means I'm drinking less  tea, I used to drink mugs of the stuff!

I plan to look at how I can get more routine, not change my life completely overnight but little things that I can build in a bit at a time, I google a lot for ideas and I found a blog the other day and took two things from it that I thought were great ideas;

1) Each day, write down one thing your body allowed you to do

2) Give everything you own a “home,” it is essentially the key to feeling at peace in your space. Go through your belongings and only keep what’s purposeful or beautiful to you – and then assign each of those things a “home,” or a space to return to each night. It makes maintaining flow in your space effortless and calming.

The first one is great from a weight watcher point of view, members can be that busy beating themselves up for not having the 'body' they wish they had, that they forget the amazing things the body they do live in enables them to do!  This could be something as simple as pick my fork up to eat - no pun intended!

The second one I just love, I know it's not going to happen in my house, I just don't have that kind of tidy in me, but it doesn't have to stop me from trying, so today I'm going to start having a sort out, bit of a 'spring' clean at Christmas, you can't beat it I reckon.  If I haven't wore it or used it for a year, it's going!   I will do what I can to find everything a place but I don't hold out much hope, especially as even if I did, mom wouldn't remember that place and I'd still throw stuff on the floor, sides, wherever when I'm rushed or tired - so good luck with that one I reckon.

But the routine yes, I've got me a calendar, so I'm going to make use of it, I'm going to put reminders in my phone, now to decide whether to make 'cleaning' a routine or just rely on cobwebs appearing and dust gathering to work as a reminder!

More useful routines would be only shopping once a week, maybe after I've done my Saturday meeting, that would save me time and a lot of money - it'd save me pounds on the scales too as I wouldn't be tempted to buy stuff I don't need to be eating!

I could also do with a list of meals we enjoy, all Smart Pointed up and stuck on the fridge to help me decide on dinner and write shopping lists, ooo I'm getting all excited about getting organised - I must be re-energised.

Right I need to go, I have a bedroom to start on, watch this space, I'll be shattered by the end of the day and moaning about housework, but hopefully it'll all be sorted by then, I'm going to treat it like a workout, like a job, think about all the Fit Points I'm earning and the money I'm saving not having to pay a cleaner! 

Whatever you're up to today, do it with passion BeYOUtiful!

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