
Beverley has prepared the content of Bev's World irresponsibly and carelessly. She therefore disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, originality or completeness of the drivel presented on this blog or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. She vehemently denies that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Beverley shall not be liable for inflicting laughter, shame, disgust, torrents of tears and the eventual desiccation or crashing boredom on readers.

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Friday 16 December 2022

You can't beat a good steak.

Friday16th December 2022
Find happiness in the small things.

Yesterday was a good day, lovely huddles, came home to  a clean house - thank you boys!  Aryn went to look round Coppice, then had the school fair at his own school, where he came home with lots of tat lol.  There was a lovely wooden ornament that I really liked though and it turned out he made it!  Go Aryn, I'm watching Minnie try to kill it as I type!

Dinner was a delicious steak with mash, peas and peppers, you can't beat an excellent gift and steak has to be high up that list.  I was supposed to cook an HelloFresh meal but well steak just won out, so easy to cook, we used Idahoan mash which you just add water too - perfect and I'd been and had a couple of drinks in the pub after work so the last thing I wanted to do at eight at night was cook after a full day of huddles.

I've got physio today, yay, I do hope it makes a difference, any exercises they give me I'll be able to do daily whilst I'm away in Ireland over Christmas.  I'm so looking forward to us all spending time together, having a table to eat our meals up (my house isn't big enough for one).  They're refusing to watch Christmas movies with me, but they'll have to sit and watch me watching them lol.

It is a tough time of year, so much to do but we need to try and take deep breathes and enjoy it.  I've had moments this week where I've been overdramatic (I'm very good at that), being poorly doesn't help because everything seems so much worse when you're not feeling well, damn cough, then another head cold on top of it - yay.  Thankfully himself has the patience of a saint and knows exactly how to handle me.  

We all had a lovely family hour whilst we ate together, lots of laughs and teasing going on, yeah that's what I'm looking forward to over Christmas, having the time to spend time together, not having to rush to get to work, or watching him driving off at silly o'clock in the morning for the week.  I'm sure I'll end up with a paintbrush in my hand at some point again though if I know him! 

Busy day sorting things to take today, once I get back from Physio, need a few things from the shops too and then I'm done, ready for our trip.  Not before I see our members tomorrow morning though.  Thankfully Elle is running the show next week, so no excuses from members to miss or start celebrating too soon. 

Oh I almost forgot, I had a proper mince pie yesterday, not these crap shop bought ones, a home made one with home made mincemeat too, mmmm delicious, thank you Gwen.

Let's enjoy Friday shall we, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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