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Monday 19 December 2022

All is calm, all is bright

Monday 19th December 2022
Enjoy the week, don't stress it.

Well I haven't had the first day in Ireland I expected, I've had a bad stomach since we opened the front door, I was sick once but the runs have been continuous, I didn't eat anything other than a couple of slices of toast yesterday, I was scared to, to be honest after the amount of visits I'd had to the loo, I had stomach ache on and off all day, felt cold despite the fire being on full, then we went to bed about half seven and I managed to sleep at last, waking at midnight, then going to the toilet at least a dozen times since then, sleeping in between.   

At the moment, I've managed a mug of tea and I'm going to try another!  I don't feel cold this morning so that's good news, hopefully it's a 48 hour bug thing and I'll be right tomorrow.  

We got on the boat at 7.30 and got to the house in Ireland just after 2am, bearing in mind we'd left home around one ish because he needed to go to B&Q, then we stopped for a maccies, and when we got to Holyhead we had a lovely meal in the Habourfront Bistro (highly recommended).  Hell it's a trek of a trip!  

I plan on putting the tree up today, I wasn't doing it yesterday how I felt, we'd travelled for so many hours, then only had a couple of hours sleep because when we did get to the house, we couldn't find the lock for the one gate, then the other lock was rusted over which meant half hour of messing about, then admitting defeat and giving up, parking the full car on the road - tbh it's in the middle of nowhere so I wasn't too concerned.  Then we knew the pipes had frozen so I was dreading what we would walk into!  Thankfully his lovely sister had been over and cleaned up and put fresh bedding on our beds for us but when he tried the taps, they weren't playing so I sat and watched him try and fathom it all out, by 4am he was in the loft, I'm passing him stuff up, turned out the tank was completely frozen over, he had to smash it open, a good 4inches thick it was.  Luckily, we've got away without any pipes bursting and it's all good now, the house is warm and cozy and I'm ready for a restful break, I know there will be lots of, 'Bev, where's my........' and 'Bev, can you just do..... ' as he does lots of stuff round the house, but I can cope with that, I have decided that I will not be holding a paintbrush this holiday though, after last Christmas, I'm having a break, although I know that decision will probably change when I feel better. 

His mates coming this morning to tile the one bathroom, he has a list a mile long of 'jobs' he wants to get done, I plan on cooking a lovely beef dinner for everyone, not sure if I'm brave enough to eat it but I'm thinking eat it and take the consequences and Aryn will be seeing his mom teatime so a full day all round. 

It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas, well it will do once the trees up.  Oh sitting here typing I've realised how much better I feel today and how rough I felt yesterday, I don't think it was something I've eaten because everything I ate, one of them ate too, plus as he said, I've got a cast iron stomach, so I'll go with the bug thought.

Here's to a lovely Monday, hope you have a great day.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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