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Tuesday 1 June 2021

Let's start Chapter 6 of 12, 2021

Tuesday 1st June 2021
It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.

Well what a glorious weekend we've had and I had to make use of it by getting stuff done, so I have filled a huge amount of bin bags full of garden waste, I've cut back some of the shrubs on the one side of the garden, which has given me back a couple of foot on the drive.  There's still more to do but it's a start.  Not only am I saving money doing it myself, I'm getting some exercise at the same time, I was also able to listen to my audiobook whilst doing it, so win/win.  Finished the book, brilliant as always but a little disappointed, I now have to wait till October for the final book, when I was under the belief this one would wrap things up, seventh book about seven sisters after all, you'd have thought wouldn't you!  But no, there's another one about the father coming, hey ho, maybe I'll re-read them all between now and then so I can remind myself of everything in them.  

I also oiled my kitchen worktops yesterday, so my kitchen was unusable all day, thankfully a neighbour gave me some chicken, rice and peas which was lunch and I put a couple of Chicago town subs in the oven for tea, which meant I didn't have to use the worktops at all.  I've just made a cup of tea with the kettle on the bin, gonna leave them till I get back from huddle just to be on the safe side, make sure they are properly dry.  One coat should be more than enough, they look as good as new again.  

I was productive wasn't I, don't worry I still managed to spend plenty of time on my backside, enjoying the weather, mostly in the shade, I don't wanna be burning these days, I'm a proper grown up.  

It was so good to see people posting photos of them having bank holiday fun after the year we've all had, I really do hope the final lockdown ease happens this month - yes we are in June already and we all need our freedom back, I need to see my brother, I want a hug, I want to talk about my mom with him and laugh and cry together, it's just not the same over the phone, we need to get drunk and maudlin as it's all part of the process which we've not been able to do yet. 

I also want my decking in the back garden and my front room sorting lol, I'm not gonna pretend it's all about the love tee hee :) 

My body ain't hurting too badly to say what I've been doing, which I'm thrilled about, I might be getting the garden fork out next and doing a bit of digging. It's a bloody mess the front, it really is, the weeds between the slabs are of superior strength and quality!  That won't be happening today, today is all about the huddles, we're at the church on Stubby Lane and hoping to see lots of people. 

There's 12 Mondays between now and the next Bank Holiday, they say it take 4 weeks for you to notice the difference, 8 for friends and family and 12 for the rest of the world, what would you like to achieve in that time?  I'm wanting to get my fitness levels back up, after all that time sitting round doing nothing, I want my body to not hurt so much, some weight loss would be a bonus, although I do still feel like I'm on an extended holiday making up for all the lost time over the last few years.  

I better go get ready, need to shower and find clothes, life is good here right now, I hope yours is too and if it isn't, I'm sending you positive vibes and hang in there xx 

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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