
Beverley has prepared the content of Bev's World irresponsibly and carelessly. She therefore disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, originality or completeness of the drivel presented on this blog or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. She vehemently denies that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Beverley shall not be liable for inflicting laughter, shame, disgust, torrents of tears and the eventual desiccation or crashing boredom on readers.

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Wednesday 29 March 2023

Focus on the positives...

Wednesday 29th March 2023
Enjoy the every day normal

 5am wide awake, I seem to have a pattern I wake at midnight, 3ish then 5, if I'm really lucky I can sometimes get back to sleep at five but that's only really on a Sunday when I don't have to go anywhere.  I do feel tired this week though, despite the sleep, nothing a mug of coffee and some water won't perk up I'm sure.  We need the weather to warm up don't we, I'm so ready for sunshine!

I had a poorly boy on my hands yesterday, they changed up his medication at his appointment on Monday and I did ask if we could wait till he broke up from school but no they know best and because of it, he missed a day at school.  After a phone call, she agreed I can wait until Friday to make the changes.  Being in pain is bad enough, doing it whilst trying to sit in class learning, well nah that ain't gonna happen.  Hopefully he'll feel better this morning and be okay to go.

The huddles were lovely yesterday, lots of returning faces ready to get back on it after Mother's Day and before Easter, there's always so much going on in life, that we can put ourselves on the back burner but we shouldn't should we.  It's better to do what you can, when you can than stress about not being able to do anything at all.  

I tried to drink a bit more water yesterday, still only managed just over a litre, it's not that easy when it's not a habit, I plan to give us both a bottle in morning with breakfast and again with our main meal and turn that into a habit, yesterday wasn't a normal day because of him being poorly so we'll start again today hopefully.

I just found an open packet of bacon in the fridge from the weekend, it wasn't wrapped and I used that excuse to cook it and have it on the last of the bread rolls, so breakfast has been a bacon bap, not the healthiest but I'm not wasting food, I'll have something healthier later.  My Gousto box comes today so we'll probably have the fish dish, I'm really grateful to whoever has used my link to sign up for the 65% off first box because it's meant this box hasn't cost me anything, I'm chuffed to bits, that's saved me almost £40.  Link to 65% off

I've done some carrot sticks too, we can both eat those, it's not difficult to eat 80g, they're edible, I know they're not a bar of chocolate but it's one of our 5 a day.  I could eat sliced peppers too in the same way so might buy some of them and see what Aryn thinks of them.

Need to get thinking of easy ways to up our fruit and veg intake.  I've got some pasta sauces in the cupboard which are 1 of your 5 a day so that's useful.  Any suggestions would be appreciated, you can't make kids eat stuff they don't like! 

A shopping list would help, I forget to get the things I've thought about once I'm in the shop!  Shopping's no fun anymore is it, because you just walk round saying 'how much!' well I do anyways. 

On a positive, focusing on the things that make me happy and the things that have made me smile in the last 24 hours, firstly hearing how so many of our members had enjoyed doing their happy list over the last week made me very happy!  These crazy damn cats make me smile every morning as they try to destroy my house and kill each other, let's just say it's a good job I'm not house proud because my curtains are constantly being smacked and when you close them, you can see tiny holes where their claws have gone through lol. 

Actually my normal, every day life makes me happy, from my first mug of tea, himself calling me when he wakes up right through to sitting down in the evening to watch a bit of tele or read my book and getting another call from himself after work.  Yeah ignoring the stress in life that everyone has, I'm happy with my lot.  

Here's to a day of smile moments, 

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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