
Beverley has prepared the content of Bev's World irresponsibly and carelessly. She therefore disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, originality or completeness of the drivel presented on this blog or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. She vehemently denies that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Beverley shall not be liable for inflicting laughter, shame, disgust, torrents of tears and the eventual desiccation or crashing boredom on readers.

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Friday 3 March 2023

Here's to a Friday of control

Friday 3rd March 2023
We go this!

It's just gone 6am Friday morning, I'm going to go to the baths even though I'd rather stay snuggled up on the sofa watching tv because I want to get my healthy on and lose some weight.

This week I'm focusing on upping my fibre intake which also means I should up my fruit and veg intake at the same time, yesterday I ended on 29.1g fibre, 8.3 portions of my 5-a-day so Nutracheck tells me, plus 1411 calories meaning I was under target and I've even changed the settings to lower my daily allowance.

Breakfast had mushrooms and tomatoes in my omelette - 2.2g fibre.

lunch was beans on toast, I couldn't eat this every day, I'm just not really a fan, maybe if I put cheese in the beans, but they give me heartburn which doesn't make them an appealing lunch, there was 17.2g fibre in them though! 

I snacked on an apple and a banana - check me out!  But Elle and I spent some time 'talking what to have for dinner' whilst at the scales last night, not very wise for us not to have planned what we were going to eat.  I made the mistake of asking our members what they were having which made me hungrier and full of cravings.  When I got back Aryn still didn't want anything so I behaved and opted for a jacket potato with tuna mayo and peas, giving me another 7.1g fibre = result, I actually enjoyed it too.  

I then had a bit of wine, now if they were to bring out an high fibre red, all would be good in my world, especially if it was low calorie and high alcohol and tasted exactly like my Beyerskloof :) 

Aryn's still not well, he spent the day in his room lying down, I think he's had a better night but I don't think he'll be going to school, for one I don't want him to pass it on to anyone else, but he also looks so tired, he's barely eaten for the last two days.

I'm going to nip to the shop when I come out the baths, I fancy sausage, onion gravy, mash, carrots, cauliflower and peas for dinner and I need sausages.  I wanted it last night but if I'd stopped at the garage, I wouldn't have made the veggies, I'd probably just have had a sandwich and as tasty as that would've been, it wouldn't have been so healthy.  Check me out, taking control of my desires!  

Other than cleaning up the house, I've not got anything I have to do today, got an appointment this afternoon, so I think I'll do some of our Happy Owls journal and then a bit of chilling before himself arrives later.  I'm staying away from Aryn as I don't want to catch anything.

Let's take control of our thoughts and have a wonderful day shall we?  Have a good one x

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me 

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