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Saturday 20 May 2023

Time to restart the Sunshine list

Saturday 20th May 2023
Exercise is any movement you make.

Well I've woke up feeling good, I ended my day feeling pleased with myself for surviving a Friday, I got creative in the kitchen, with meatballs, brown rice, wraps, tomatoes and cheese - lots of cheese but I only had a 6th of the meal and it was delicious and so filling too.  Aryn loved it and so did himself, always a win/win and I used up meatballs from the freezer, I had all the ingredients in the kitchen other than wraps which were bout 90p in Aldi.  


Other reasons to smile yesterday include, my fitbit reading, I'm usually thrilled if I hit 6500 steps these days, but not only did I smash that I also did 101 active minutes, 50 of those in the swimming pool the rest just moving about in the house and around the shops, really pleased with that as my back/leg was hurting and I had a headache on and off most of the day, my neck cracking and hurting might have had something to do with that.   Result though, it's gone this morning and my necks okay again too yay.


Aryn had his hair cut, another smile moment, he's really pleased with it, about 3 or 4 inches off, it's still shoulder length which didn't please his dad so much lol but she's thinned it out and it looks really good - handsome boy.

I also ended my day on less calories than the fitbit tells me I earned which is always good, I consumed 1931 calories and I tracked it all, drank lots less than I have been doing on a Friday night, just a couple of glasses of wine.  

Yep, here's to focusing on the positives, the smile moments, the wins, it's far more satisfying than focusing on the bits that aren't so great isn't it.  If you make a note of the things that make your life brighter, I've always called it my Sunshine List, it makes your world a brighter place.   It also makes you realise there's more to live than overeating!  

I'll add the cats to my sunshine list as well, they constantly give me reasons to smile, watching them play is lovely.  I've done the washing up already this morning - there's another win!  OH all the washing has been done yesterday too, so the laundry basket was empty this morning, of course there's bound to be more before midday because Aryn hasn't bought his uniforms down yet but for now, it's empty.

The suns shining too and it's forecast to stay all weekend - yay!  I'm putting positive pants on today, we're gonna have a good day - you with me?

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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