10th January 2014
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. (it may be too late!)
Can I get a WHOOP WHOOP!
Happy with the scales this morning, of the 7lb I gained over Christmas, 5.5lb
of it has gone this morning I’m happy to share.
That’s Simple Start done for a week to the letter, I haven’t had any
wine as I’ve used my treats for other things – I’m a happy lady this morning
and ready for week 2 of Simple Start.
Today I’m at Asda in Bloxwich for a couple of hours from
10am, so I’ll be able to do some shopping whilst I’m there. Feel free to drop in and see me, especially
if you haven’t been able to get to a meeting this week, if you bring a tenner
with you, I can sell you a monthly pass and you can get on it immediately, be
on track for the weekend! I’ll have a
set of scales with me too ;)
I’ve also ended my week with a whooping 55½ miles on my
pedometer which would’ve earned me 48pp had I been using them, housework, being
a nurse, leader etc all earns those steps, I didn’t need to do “structured
exercise” this week.
Here are yesterdays meals, delicious of course;

Great news about mom, my bestie took her to see the
consultant yesterday and it looks like an operation is the
only option and the doctor was really positive.
No particular risks with having the
surgery other than the normal risks of any surgery. The surgery is keyhole unless for whatever
reason on the day that’s not possible in which case it will be regular
surgery. Mom’s consented to the op and
there’s approximately a 3 month waiting list. He says she’s a fit old bird in the scheme of
themes (I’m guessing he didn’t use those exact words, but you get my
gist). My mom’s got the most vivid
imagination and by 3pm yesterday that had changed to “if they can’t do keyhole
they’re going to have to cut me open and break my ribs to get to my chest”, erm
NO, that’s not what they said at all ;-) there will be no breaking of any ribs –
I do love how she can escalate a story off the Richter scale!
I’m so pleased that she will be getting the
operation as she’s suffered so much over the years with stomach problems, and
every meal has been a struggle to eat for the last 6 months or more, hopefully
now this will bring some relief.
We all think we’re indestructible don’t
we! We put things off thinking to
ourselves, “I’ll make a start tomorrow” and tomorrow never comes does it? My mom spent 40+ years doing that, taking
care of her five children and her husband (who wasn’t much use or help, he
never made a start and died at 60!). She
would comfort eat to make up for the fact her life was so damn tough, no money,
no support just 5 kids all with their own demands and she put her own life and
self care on hold for 30 years or so! By
the time dad died and she was able to start to put herself first, a lot of the
damage had been done, she’d been overweight (18st at her heaviest I recall),
she’d eaten terribly and her stomach had been damaged because of it. Losing the weight helped enormously, not just
her stomach but her aches and pains; it gave her much better health. Again, unfortunately she continued to eat a
lot of junk food, sweet stuff was her downfall, she was at her goal weight but
at least half of her daily intake was from foods that had no nutritional value
such as chocolate, biscuits, cakes and crisps – being thin doesn’t
automatically make you healthy.
This all stops NOW in our house, 2014 is
the year that ends the rubbish living in this house, I haven’t bought any junk
since we got back from Wales and I don’t intend to – we can live without
it. We can eat delicious, healthy,
nutritious food and enjoy ‘Eat Gorgeous’ meals.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying she won’t ever be able to enjoy a
slice of cake again, however if and when she does – it’ll be a treat and we’ll
probably be out in a coffee shop.
Nothing tastes as good as being alive feels!
I too have realised the importance of
keeping my wine intake under control, I plan to limit it from now on, I haven’t
had a drink at all this week and I’ve been fine without, I tend not to drink
when I’ve stressed or worried about something as the pleasure goes out of the
act. I’ve had an invite for a free NHS
Health Check (because I’m in my 40s) so I’m going to make the time to arrange
that this month and see what they say.
Yeah 2014 is the “Year of the Healthy &
Happy Household”, who fancies joining me in that campaign?
Get a healthy and happy household now and
your kids will thank you for it so much in the future! I had a lovely family join me on Wednesday
night and we were joking, there was mom, 3 daughters and two of the
grand-daughters. After school mom (nan)
had picked up the grandkids so that her daughters could work as is the norm
these days. The gorgeous grand-daughters
told me how nan gave food for every situation, it they’d had a bad day at
school they were treated to a cake, if they had a good day at school they were
rewarded with a cake, they’d sit eating crumpets whilst nan cooked their
tea! One of the daughter told me her daughter
had been a size 12 at the age of 10, then she stopped going to nans house after
school and within a year or so she was down to a size 8! Bless the two grand-daughters sitting in my
meeting, they laughed and said, “unfortunately we stayed with nan till we left
We don’t do it on purpose do we, none of us
intentionally overfeed someone else or give them bad eating habits to cause
them a weight problem in the long term, it’s just society, it’s what we were
brought up with, food has always been a way to show someone how much you love
them and want to take care of them, so it kind of sits that the more you feed
them the more you love them! The better
the food the better the love!
Unfortunately that’s not the case is it, so we need to change our
I’m going to – are you?
Eat Gorgeous & BeYOUtiful. xx
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