
Beverley has prepared the content of Bev's World irresponsibly and carelessly. She therefore disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, originality or completeness of the drivel presented on this blog or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. She vehemently denies that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Beverley shall not be liable for inflicting laughter, shame, disgust, torrents of tears and the eventual desiccation or crashing boredom on readers.

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Wednesday 22 June 2022

Yesterday was all about the beef!

Wednesday 22nd June 2022
Be the energy you want to attract.

5am and wide awake, first time I woke was 3am and I didn't think I was going to get back to sleep but thankfully I did.

Yesterday I asked our members in our Facebook group for some ideas of what to do with leftover beef, one of the suggestions that got my attention was serve it with fried onions on ciabatta, mmm.  I was planning on beef cobs for lunch, so when I went in the garage to get my cobs I noticed the Ciabatta rolls so I scanned them on the Nutracheck app and WOW 274 calories each, they weren't that big either, square instead of round but about the same as the Warburton slice white cobs I bought which are 146 calories each so I could have 2 of them for almost the same calories and I'm more a visual / quantity girl at the minute!  I need to get to a quality not quantity kind of person again, I'm working on it, honest I am....


I really enjoyed my beef and mustard cob with a bag of ready salted crisps.

We then had some more of the beef with baby potatoes in herby butter, yorkie and sweetcorn, oh I have mint sauce with any roast by the way, I like it.

We had as always a great day in the huddles, I spent some time with Aryn watching a bit of tv, he's enjoying 'your honour' which I've already seen but if I can get him out of his room, it's worth it.  Having said that, I can't remember half of what happens, it's not even been a year since it was on and I can't remember,, having said that, last year wasn't exactly easy was it.  The first quarter was hell, the next part was pure grief, but the September started and it suddenly all got really good and it still is, so remember if you're going through hell, keep going, it ends eventually!

I'm thinking pasta today, I have some nice stuff in the cupboard and I might have it with the rest of the beef cut into strips, I've got some mushrooms and onions too, I'll make it up as I go along, I'll have to do Aryn's separately as he doesn't like mushrooms or onions, or maybe he can have something else all-together lol.

Now though, I need to get showered and dressed and ready for the day ahead, got to take my car in for a gearbox service, not sure how long that'll take, whether I'll just pass an hour round the shops in Wednesfield or get a taxi home (or maybe walk) then go back to pick it up later.  But first to our huddle this morning...

I need another cuppa, catch ya tomo, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x


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