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Monday 13 November 2023

Monday, we meet again!

Monday 13th November 2023

That's a scary realisation isn't it!  6 weeks today is Christmas Day, I need to start thinking about it I guess, although we have Aryn's birthday at the end of the month before that.  I've realised I have room for a small tree, I haven't decorated this house for years as I decorate the Irish house, but a little tree and a few decorations might get me in the mood and brighten the house up - Anita, I blame you for this!

Another lovely quote weekend for us, himself was shattered from a 6 day week and fell asleep on the sofa Saturday teatime and slept through only waking long enough to go to bed!  That saved me from an Indian takeaway that he'd fancied.

I finally used the beef mince, it ended up as a pasta bake Sunday lunch and I inhaled it I was that hungry!  

at least I got them all to eat some greens, I added a diced carrot, 2 onions, 1/2 red pepper to 500g mince, then added a jar of Aldi sauce which is 89p a jar, too umph it up a little I added a couple of oxos and 25g diced chorizo.  Stirred through half a bag of wholewheat pasta (75p a bag) and topped it with cheese and grilled it.  

about a fiver, £6 max for the whole meal and it was so good, I was using veggies I already had and mince from the freezer which made it more cost effective for me. 

I made the boys some scones on Saturday which they enjoyed hot at lunchtime then cold yesterday with some blackcurrant jam and cream.  I almost resisted -  I had half of the one that used up the last of the dough and they were good, they were from a gift set but as good as they were I wouldn't buy again after finding out it was £20 for scone mix, cream and 2 small jars jam. Ouch they were really good but that's too much. 

It's all about the food in this house :) having said that I haven't thought about food for today at all! Partly because I've been enjoying my weekend, partly because I need to do a bit of shopping but also because of that Gousto situation, they agreed to refund me but said it might till turn up in which case I'll have food in that box!  Well I'm not gonna waste it am I!

The weathers shocking again isn't it, but at least it's not snow ay!  It makes me wanna snuggle up and stay home, I have the gym to go to but I'd rather sit on the sofa watching tele and doing nothing, I'm sure I'll be up for it when it lightens up and I've got our huddle chat written, it's only 6am now, been up sine half four.

Even Cocos come and cuddled up, if he could talk, he'd be saying thank god he's gone, got my space back, I can't get on here when he's here :) 

Let's have a great Monday shall we, ooo I fancy fish finger sandwiches today, I honestly don't fancy any of the Gousto meals that might arrive and Aryn wouldn't like some of the ingredients, I can always use the ingredients in different ways and freeze them. 

Happy Monday 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me 

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