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Thursday 14 September 2023

Every day isn't going to be a within my calories day

Thursday 14th September 2023

Oh I'm drinking a mug of tea and it tastes so good this morning, you can't beat a cracking good mug of tea, what a great way to start the day.  As I drink it I'm reflecting on yesterday, I was over by 250 calories on my day but I'm okay with that, I'm looking at my app and I know I could've had 2 eggs not 3 for breakfast saving me 70 calories, it was because I made a mess of the poached eggs I added the third, I'm just not a poached egg maker, stick to what I do well in future, dry fried, scrambled or omelette.

I made cauliflower cheese for tea, it was delicious so I ended up having more than a portion, although that was still only 517 calories, it was the slice of bread I had with it that didn't help, or the slice I had later with chicken on and some mayo on.   I felt peckish so I'm okay with my choices, I'm looking for a realistic journey not a starvation diet, of course there was wine yesterday too because it was Wednesday, I didn't have to go back to work and I didn't go back out as was doing housework.

I'm now the proud owner of an empty laundry basket (at least till Aryn showers this morning) and a tidy kitchen, I had wine to celebrate that as I cooked a delicious meal and tidied my house oh and that it had cooled down enough to do that comfortably.

I'm having a painful week this week, my lower backs hurting but I'm doing what I can, the pain management group has taught me to listen to my body and know when to slow down and when to push myself a little more, it's all good.

Another good nights sleep - 8.5 hours, which always helps doesn't it, I wished I could share my sleeping talent with those who struggle, I'm just lucky I guess.

A busy day ahead, a bag of beansprouts in the fridge saying 'you need to use us', I'm thinking will they keep till tomorrow or do I cook the chicken chow mein today, I really want a roast dinner with gravy, it would have to be frozen veg as I don't have any other and packet mash unless I stop and buy some, not even sure if I have packet mash.  This is the drama in my life :) this and two cats screaming at each other in the hallway right now - crazy bloody animals.

Looking forward to seeing lots of members today, missing my work wife and Carol this week but everyone's taking care of me, I'm using the time to sort out our card boxes and our system, been a while since the secretary/PA side of me has come out, I always did like that job.  Those damn 8x5 index card boxes though, they break so easily and they've gone up to £10 each, that's silly prices.
If you've got a stash in a cupboard somewhere you don't want, give us a shout, we'll take them off your hands ;) swap ya for a box of plastic cups lol.

I'm sat watching the news whilst tying and I've just spotted the basket of washing I didn't fold yet never ending baskets of black jogging bottoms, tshirts and towels, at least he's a clean teenage boy I guess, apart from his room, we have to use threats for him to sort that out, but he does, he's a good lad really.

We're on season 6 of The walking dead, over half way through them all, it's our 'thing' at the minute and it gets him to sit with me for at least an hour a night which is an hour he's not gaming!  It's also something I can chat to my sister about as she loves it and has watched them all.

I'm waffling ain't I and I don't have the time, I need to get dressed and ready for my day, to eat breakfast or not to eat breakfast, that is the question?

Mwah, luv ya

Love me x

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