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Thursday 23 February 2023

You can't beat a good sleep...

Thursday 23rd February 2023
Here's to a day of PositiviTEA!

Started yesterday with an hour in the pool, walking and swimming up and down, next was our morning huddle, so it was eleven before I got breakfast, but it was worth waiting for, long may the enjoyment of omelette continue. 


I had potatoes that needed using so I decided to make potato frittata muffins, I made 16 using the following ingredients.  Cubed the potatoes and steamed them, I left the skin on them for added fibre.  Put the potato, diced onion, spinach in muffin cases, topped with egg and a bit of cheese with half a tomato on top.  Cooked for about 20 minutes at gas 180.  It made 16 at 93 calories each.


Tea was fish, mash and broccoli, I left some of it too - check me being full up!  I've just remembered to add the tartare sauce to my tracker.


Another day in the bag!  I'd say it was easy, but I'd be lying, temptation is everywhere, those muffins, I had two I could've eaten half dozen.  

I went to bed pleased with myself, I was absolutely shattered and it was only 7ish, but it wasn't long before I was asleep and damn I slept till my phone started ringing at 5.48 this morning, which is a good thing because I'd forgot to set my alarm!

Fantastic sleep, I may have woken but I've slept well too, finally coming out of the jetlag hopefully and get back to some normality with my sleep.  Although in the week going to bed early isn't a problem because if I get up early, I'm more likely to get stuff done in the mornings like going swimming and I want to start doing a bit of yoga, although I've been recommended pilates and I'm going to give this video APPI Beginner Matwork Class with Jacqui - YouTube a go, will try and do it today, would've done it this morning but not going to have time now as I'm still in my PJs.  

I'm feeling good, in control, long may it continue, yesterday as well as sticking to my calories, I drank water, I hit my step count target which is 6730 this week, set by the Better Health Rewards app, that's a Wolverhampton thing.  Yeah focusing on me, long may it continue!  

On that note, I better go get ready for work, here's to another great day.  I've not thought about my meals which for a Thursday isn't a great thing, but I have those potato egg muffins I can start with, then that tuna pasta salad maybe that I didn't make yesterday.  I've got soup I can have for lunch so all is good.  

Mwah, luv ya

love me xx


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