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Tuesday 21 February 2023

First day of a full week of work, can't wait...

Tuesday 21st February 2023
Stop doubting yourself.

Well I did an hour in the pool, I was going to do some gym but it didn't work out, so instead I walked and swam in the pool and enjoyed that.  Next was some shopping for stuff we didn't have like loo rolls!  The joy of being a grown up yay.  

Came home and made an omelette, grated the courgette, I'm loving this breakfast, although it didn't roll out and look lush, it still tasted the business.


A few hours spent on work stuff then the Aryn surfaced lol, so we enjoyed this dinner, oh trout is my favourite fish but damn it's expensive £6 for 2 pieces - ouch.  Beans on toast tomorrow I reckon, balance the cost out. 

We ate and watched tv together for a few hours, then he disappeared again, which was when I went back to watching my tv, Power is the series of choice and Coco came to keep me company.  

I went for a massage on the afternoon, the lovely lady managed to fit me in, it was just to focus on my leg/back pain, she also did some cupping, let's say it wasn't what you'd call a relaxing massage but I'm hoping it will help over time.  I think a combination of an hour in the pool and this was why I was in bed by half six because it was more comfortable as my lower back was hurting, it's not too bad this morning thankfully, so we shall hope the journey to recovery has begun.  We talked about the joys of menopause and the importance of supplements and taking care of yourself.  I'm definitely ready to take care of me as well as the rest of my family, I want to enjoy this summer, I want to walk up Snowdon with them and not have to drown myself in painkillers and cry all the way down! 

I was asleep by 6.50 according to my Fitbit and I've been awake since 3.59, so it's 7hrs 56min even if I'm in the silly o'clock wide awake club!  I needed the loo and then I needed the loo again so there was no going back to sleep after the cats also realised I'd surfaced, too much info maybe but 3 trips to the loo in a 15 minutes period, no wonder I can't go back to sleep!  Nothing wrong with my fibre intake apparently, joking aside though, I'm nowhere near the suggested daily allowance.

The best cup of tea I'm drinking here, all tracked of course, I'll be having an omelette for breakfast again, they're doing it for me, less calories than a couple of slices of toast and they don't give me indigestion or heartburn and they're more satisfying than cereal, so yeah I think I've found my breakfast of choice and I'm able to add a veg to them.

Pancake day isn't it!  We had an epic fail last year making them so I have something to prove this year, I have a new pan too :) they're 99 calories per pancake according to the packet, I've bought a mix, save me the hassle, lazy I know but I don't care.  What to top mine with, I have some chocolate spread, honey, syrup, lemon juice, but I'm thinking a savory option, I'm thinking, garlic, mushrooms and Phili light.

Right I'm gonna do my physio then I'm gonna google some core strength exercises after my chat with Nikki yesterday, I'd already planned to do it but this was a reminder, again putting stuff off, not prioritising myself and my health!

Okay, let's all have a good day, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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