My stats as of today
I started at - 200lb
I wanna weigh - 165lb
I plan to lose - 35lb / 17.5% of my body weight.
The scales 11/1/21 - 191lb
I've already lost - 9lb
Yesterday I stepped 10,194 times
I covered 4.34 miles
I burned 2290 calories
I consumed 1,562 calories
I was active for 75 minutes
I slept 7 hours 10 mins
#walk1000miles challenge - Total YTD = 40.86 left to walk = 959.14
My 3 good things yesterday were;
1) Motivating Zoom UK Event - so many inspiring people
2) My new book - more positive stuff
3) Mom saying shall we go to bed at 7.21pm!
Thankfully we were in bed for half seven, because she woke me up a couple of times, then at 3am when I couldn't get back to sleep so did my first meditation of the year, time to start making it a daily practice again especially as I got the app for free back in October for 12 months!
I was reminded yesterday of how much personal development I used to do, it was a PD weekend in 2004 that motivated me to walk into work on the Monday morning and hand my notice in! PD is really encouraged at UW and I'm loving getting back into making it a part of my daily routine again. Caring for mom has made me forget to do the things that would actually help me to care for mom, so it's great to be reminded of its importance.
A reminder I got from the book I started yesterday that I'll share with you again (I've said it before I'm sure!) is that the secret to success is consistency. Yep consistently taking tiny steps over time will make more of a difference than grand gestures. Think about it, elephants don't bite, mosquitos do, be careful of those little things, because it's the little things that make a difference over time.
This is particulary true of food, if your body burns 2500 calories a day and you eat an extra packet of crisps a day at 120 calories on top of that, over the course of a month, that's enough calories to gain a pound in weight, over a year almost a stone! The good news is, if you do the opposite and eat 120 calories less a day, you'd lose a pound over the month and a stone over the year.
Speaking of pounds, I've lost another one this morning, so that 9lb so far, here's to the next pound!
Helping me do that were these two tasty meals;
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