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Friday 22 April 2022

Day 3 started to feel like day 33!

Friday 22nd April 2022
Invest in yourself, it pays the best interest.

Having chatted with Elle yesterday, we agreed that I should change my weigh day to Saturday, that way, it might stop me starting my 'weekend' Thursday night once the meetings are done, keep me a little more on track Friday and make me mindful over the weekend, so that's what I'm going to do, I shall weigh tomorrow and hope I've lost a little since I jumped on and weighed Tuesday morning. 

Day 1 back on track all I thought about was carbs, day 2 I indulged in the unplanned packet of crisp, day 3 I didn't even think about food or eat until I got back from the huddles at 1ish, I was beginning to think it felt more like I was starting day 33 when I got out of bed on the morning but thankfully day 3 was much easier than day 1 or 2 and I know as soon as I see a few pounds lost, it'll motivate me to carry on tracking.

I ended my day on 1304 calories which was a huge improvement on the day before and I wasn't at all hungry all day, I skipped breakfast because I wasn't hungry and didn't even think about eating on the day I leave the house the earliest.  Got back at one and wanted salad, so decided to have half the packet of ribs that I'd defrosted for the man child to put in his noodles, they cost me 253 calories, I had the smaller half. 

Then for tea I had honey and mustard chicken (cooked in slow cooker) with potatoes (microwaved) and broccoli, this was delicious and only took 10 minutes to get on the plate when I got back at 7ish. 

I enjoyed a couple of glasses of wine and I went to bed at 10 after being on the phone for 1 hour and 22 mins, it's the only communication we get in the week because he works away.  What can I say we both have s a lot to talk about!

Got a busy day ahead of me, eye test this morning, lots of housework, need to change the bedding (boringhell) then me and man child are having a cooking session, he wants to make his own pasta salad and Yorkshire puddings, so I thought we'd do that and make a toad in the hole for tea maybe.

Right I'm off for a cuppa coffee cos my tea didn't taste good, have a brilliant day.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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