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Wednesday 2 October 2024


Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Temptation is hard!  But we can resist and get the results we want.  I haven't blogged for over a week because I was busy, Elle was on holiday, I didn't feel great, so blogging was just another thing on a long list of things 'to do'.  

I gained 1/2lb when I weighed yesterday, I hadn't weighed on Thursday as I was on my own and completely forgot, then got too busy with our members, I'm happy with that half but as Elle pointed out, 1/2lb every week soon adds up!  She's right (I hate that sometimes 😁 the truth hurts!) I'd rather be losing 1/2lb a week, we've got 12 weeks till Christmas and they'll soon go by.

This is why we're all doing Tracktober this month, tracking is a great way to see what you need to work on.  Looking at mine for yesterday, I managed 4.1 of my 5 a day according to nutracheck which was better than I've been doing lately, but I only had butternut squash and a banana so really I only had 2!

I've started my list of meals I enjoy because I know that will help me going forward when it comes to deciding what I want to eat.  Yesterday when I was looking at a members tracker I noticed banana on toast and I thought, mmm I've not had that for a while so I had it for my tea when I got home and I really enjoyed it.  That could be a regular breakfast, I also enjoyed the weetabix I had the other week so that could be another, I had scrambled egg on toast yesterday for breakfast which was delicious but because of the butter I put on the toast with my cuppa it was 484 calories, the banana on a slice of toast is only 183 calories and the Weetabix with 125ml milk is 195 calories so I could have both of those for less than the eggs and it wouldn't have so much saturated fat, plus it's one of my 5 a day.  Worth thinking about isn't it and if it was in a little notebook in the kitchen, I can flick through the ideas and decide, I can also use it for shopping purposes. 

I'm off my wine too which is gonna help isn't it, feeling poorly last week meant I didn't want any, when I opened a bottle Monday, it didn't taste that great, so I didn't bother, poured a little bit last night from the open bottle and nope still not tasting great so I didn't bother again.  I drink red wine because I like the taste, if it's not tasting great there's no point!  I'm sure it's not a forever thing - but imagine if it is! 

I ended my day on track, I'd got 198 calories spare but they'll be my safety belt at the weekend, I've decided Saturday is my day where I can go a little over if I need too, if we go out.

Here's to making it through October and seeing results, it's only 83 days to Christmas, that'll soon pass, we talked last night about booking ferries for Ireland, that's when I know it's getting closer!  

Have a great day, I'm going to eat better today, I've got food I bought to eat that isn't as low in calories as I'd like, we had stuffed pasta yesterday, it's just not worth the calories I've decided, it's alright like but I can think of foods I'd rather eat - another reason for writing that meal list.  

Not sure what we're having, but I could do egg fried rice with crispy chicken or there's fish in batter which would be nice with chips, I don't want to be eating 'diet food' because those 'diets' don't last, this is what happens when you go on a typical 'diet'.

We don't promote those kinds of diets, it's okay to eat what you enjoy and you can still lose weight, so that's the plan!

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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