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Thursday 10 October 2024

Another day in the bag...

Thursday 10th October 2024

Short blog today, got to leave the house at half seven to get to the huddle at Bloxwich Mem, I'm still on track and tracking it all honestly, easy - no, worth it - yes!

Yesterday I had omelette for breakfast, adding to my plant points, so I'd already had 5, 


I added 

yellow pepper
red pepper
wholemeal bread

Then with dinner, which was leftover lamb from Sunday served in pitta breads with salads and dips, blooming tasty it was, the lads loved it. 



white cabbage

I'm on  14 so far, now to see if I can add other stuff over the rest of the week! 

I finally got the remote back last night which meant I was able to catch up on MAFS and BB, you can't beat a bit of crap tv and a glass of wine, I love it, I nearly got the bed to myself too but the damn cats got under the bed before I had chance to close the door and then I couldn't shut the door because I couldn't get them out the room so I've not had the best sleep because Coco purrs so loudly!  

It's all good though, it's Thursday, a day full of huddles, the most difficult thing I have to do today is decide what we're having for dinner - mmm what shall we have for dinner?!

Here's to making it through 100% on track, we got this :)

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx 

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