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Friday 4 October 2024

Friday's arrived, the weekends aren't as easy!

Friday 4th October 2024

Another day in the bag, just been chatting about what to have for tea and he suggested chippy but I said no as I'm trying to eat healthier and he said yeah I thought that, he was trying to save me hassle but I don't mind cooking.  I've took chicken breasts out of the freezer and I've sat here toying with defrosting them in microwave, cooking from frozen in slow cooker or I've found out I can cook from frozen in my Ninja combi, I've still not decided what I'm going to do with them, I'm thinking some kind of shredded chicken and rice served in taco boats.  I want something that can be reheated in microwave because we will probably all eat at different times which is typical on a Friday. 

Yesterday went well, I finished just over my daily allowance but it was all tracked, I had this for lunch and it was delicious, I'd like to experiment and maybe make my own version.  I had it as part of an M&S gastropub meal deal, so £15 for main, side and dessert or starter.  Aryn had the dessert, I had this side as a main meal, 428 calories in the whole thing and it really was lush.  


Because I knew I wouldn't do it when I got home I diced some salad before going back to work, there's enough there for today too. 


For dinner we had the Moussaka, I had a little garlic bread with it, less than 40p in Lidls they are and I put some cheese in them to make them scrumptious, Aryn ate the rest. 872 calories in total for this but it was really tasty, without the bit of garlic bread it would've been 261 calories less. 


I've found my taste for wine again, so had a couple of glasses, first in a fortnight though!

Today I shall mostly be a domestic goddess, the bathrooms, kitchen and living rooms all need a good clean, beds need changing, I've not done a lot for the last couple of weeks as I was poorly last week, rested Monday, did all the ironing Wednesday and worked the other days so today is catch up day then I'll be back to normal next week and can get back to the gym too.  

Energy levels seem back to full capacity, Aryn's a couple of days behind me so he's skipping MMA tonight, but he has managed 2 classes this week so fair play.  He has so much school work too, it's a tough year for him with his exams next spring. 

I'm delaying starting ain't I :) right let's do this!  Have a great day x

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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