
Beverley has prepared the content of Bev's World irresponsibly and carelessly. She therefore disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, originality or completeness of the drivel presented on this blog or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. She vehemently denies that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Beverley shall not be liable for inflicting laughter, shame, disgust, torrents of tears and the eventual desiccation or crashing boredom on readers.

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Monday 23 September 2024

How is it Monday already?!

Monday 23rd September 2024

Well that went way to quickly, no sooner does he arrive than he has to leave again, thankfully we enjoy the time he is here and this weekend we enjoyed a night out to celebrate Louise's 50th, a surprise party and it was great to see that they had managed to keep it secret.  

As always it involved food and alcohol, I'll be on the midweek diet this week again then!  We had a Chinese takeaway Friday which as as always delicious from Stubby lane Golden Wok, I opted for something different for a change and had the fixed meal for 1 which was too much for one so I didn't eat it all, but it got eaten by the two gannets in the house, 

The beef just melted in your mouth, I'd definitely have that dish again, I can't remember what it was but it had beef, mushrooms and onions in it, lush.  Then Saturday we went for lunch before the party at the Spread Eagle, very good pub grub, I had a burger, he had mixed grill.  Excellent pub grub I have to say.


Yesterday I made pie, that went down very well, I cooked it all separately, did the filling on the hob and cooked pastry in oven so the pastry was perfectly crisp, no soggy bottom! 

I've planned a few healthy meals for this week, no alcohol, woke up with a head cold courtesy of himself, he started with his yesterday, apparently two of the chaps he's working with have it too, ones not made it to work (wuss!), I'll take today steady so hopefully it'll go quickly.  

The only thing I have to do today is plan the chat for the week and I'm off to the cinema later to watch Prima Facie, I'm not missing that, I've waited too long to see it, it's a theatre show that's been recorded for cinema.  Other than that, the rest can wait, I shall chill before and have an early night.  Aryn's just said he has a bit of a sore throat too - great joy!

Thankfully there's some tortellini in the fridge which takes no cooking at all, we can have that for dinner. I'm also thinking a chicken fried rice one of the nights and salmon another all food I already have in freezer and cupboards, no shopping being done here.

Right here's to having a good day, paracetamol taken, 2 mugs of tea drank, I'm ready to take it on, thankfully I love all of my life and I don't just live for the weekends because they go way to quickly, but so do the weeks so it'll soon be Friday again.

Enjoy your day, 

Mwah, luv u

Love me x


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