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Monday 14 October 2024

Great Weekend!

Monday 14th October 2024

I've not just had the best weekend but I've also tracked everything and not felt like I've missed out on anything. 

I drove down to Dorset Friday, after settling everything at the MH we drove into Swanage to enjoy some fish and chips, 

Absolutely delicious and I left some, I didn't have anything else that evening either.  

Saturday morning we had a cooked breakfast in a pub where we went to check out their campsite for the future, we also opted for the small both of us, I gave him my hash brown though as I'm not a huge fan. 

After enjoying this we drove to look at the Cerne Giant, now I hadn't done my research here so we parked in the car park and followed the arrows saying 'giant hill', little did I realised until we got to the NT sign that to get the view of the giant you were better pulling into the layby at the side of the road and looking up lol, we'd walked up the hill and underneath the giant before realising this '-) that red line - oops, he had his best boots on too, they're all muddy now! 

We then drove to Abbotsbury Swannery, which has been there for over 600 years and in breeding season there can be up to 1,000 swans, after walking round, we did the Swan Maze, I'm a big wuss, shouting 'don't leave me, I'm scared I'll get stuck in here' when he started walking fast. 

We drove back to Swansea through glorious countryside, finding a parking space to leave the car for the night so we could have a few drinks and food.  I ordered seabass and samphire, was good, my photos not great. 

We had to walk 1 hour 15 minutes for a taxi, I wished I'd known as I'd have booked it earlier, was so ready for bed when we got back. 

Sunday he'd treated me to a nature trail with the National Trust we had our own ATV and driver who took us along the beach and through the dunes telling us all about the area, explaining how the dunes formed, all very interesting.

our ATV!

From there we drove to Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove and had our lunch there, I didn't eat again after eating this plateful of yummyness, I couldn't finish it either.  I did indulge in a bottle of wine when we got back to the MH though.

Perfect end to a perfect weekend.  Left early this morning and stopped at a couple of farm shops, one I've wanted to visit for a while because they make the best pies and I normally get them from Ocado so it was great to go buy them from source. Pies & Pastries | Thorner's (thornersofsomerset.co.uk)  I then stopped at the farm shop services on the M5 just after Junction 12, it's a bit expensive but I bought things that were reduced to try :) breakfast was a piece of black pudding - weird maybe but I fancied it, then for lunch I had a smoked trout cob, all reduced from the farm shop.

I'll be having an early night tonight as last night was unsettled, heavy rain in a MH makes for disturbed sleep!  Lots of dreaming too, I don't like dreaming at all. 

On a positive, huddle chat is prepared, house isn't too messy, I'm thinking I might have a toasted teacake for dinner and look forward to being weighed tomorrow - fingers crossed I lose anything, I'm not expecting lots, 1/2lb will do, I want to live and lose, enjoy life and be able to chip away at the numbers.

Here's to making it through another week.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx 

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