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Monday, 9 May 2011

9th May 2011

A smile brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and it is nature's best antidote for trouble.

Monday morning and I’m not quite awake yet, could have done another few hours I think, although I’m sure I’ll be wide awake after my walk with Alfie, that’s what I love about doing my exercise first thing in the morning, it energises me ready for the day.

Yesterday I got my journal out and decided to do away with the exercise excuses, I say I haven’t got the time for anything other than walking, yet I always manage to fit in time for other unexpected events such as a trip to the dentist, so if I can do that I realised I can fit in 30 minutes for some yoga or a go on the Wii Fit, so I’ve booked appointments with myself in my diary for doing it and then I’ve got to do it.

So what about you, can you beat the exercise excuses, perhaps you don’t enjoy the gym or that early morning run/walk you never have the time to do. Don’t give in – you deserve and need a fit body. Find alternatives. Booking in for a regular class in an excellent way of committing to moving more, you could try the Zhumba craze that’s sweeping the nation? If you do use the gym why not take your own music, or an audio book to listen to whilst you workout. Why not use the time to meet up with a friend and have a weekly walk and talk date. If you initially find it really hard work, why not reward yourself every time you complete a session, obviously try not to make it a food based reward! Hopefully your aim will be to programme your brain to associate exercise with pleasure not pain.

Moving your body is vital for health and fitness whatever you weigh and it doesn’t have to be hard work, time consuming or expensive. It’s important to find enjoyable, realistic ways to keep yourself in shape whilst you lose weight, the two things together weight loss and movement are a great way of getting you to your goal and helping you feel fabulous along the way.

Find a way to move you enjoy, take your time, try different things, and whilst you’re looking just move more in your day to day life. Use some of that energy to sort your house out, I intend to this week!

So think of one type of exercise/movement you enjoy doing now?

Acknowledge an activity you don’t enjoy.

Think of something you haven’t yet tried but have always fancied having a go.

And finally think of a way of moving you already do, or could do that you don’t consider to be exercise.

Well I’m off for my walk, today I’m going to do some stretches whilst Alfie sniffs the lampposts and I’m stood there waiting!

Enjoy your day. xx

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