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Thursday 20 July 2023

Another day, a little healthier...

Thursday 20th July 2023
Day 25 of tracking

Well it's a short one from me today as I've lots to do, but I'm on day 25 of tracking 100%, honestly however I need the numbers to come back down!  I've got a little cocky since Tuesday, losing that 1.5lb when I'd gone over most days, ,even though my sensible brain knows it's actually catch up from the really, good week I had the week before.  I need to get back on track and within my allowance.

I did go to the gym after our lovely huddle, well I say gym, I went swimming, managed just over half hour, did half mile, I decided against the gym as I don't want to overdo it, too much, too soon. My shoulders hurt from the swim and my leg still hurts all the time anyways. 

I've slept well, if a little less than I'd planned as Aryn came to have a chat when I was about to go up :) he had his school end of year report yesterday and to say he only started in January, it was excellent, we're so proud of him.  

His reward supper was a Tim Hortons Frappe and a Extra Large 16" Stuffed Crust Pepperoni Plus Pizza without onions from our local Pizza Supremo, so difficult to resist having a slice off him, I cut a sliver, which wasn't even an inch wide, delicious.   There has to be almost 3,000 calories in one of those!  How is he under 10 stone?

The rest of my day was just getting stuff done, ready for a busy few days ahead.  My MRI scan appointment arrived, it's bank holiday weekend on a Sunday morning 8am, no weekend away for us that weekend now.

That's me done, need to get ready for work, things to do and all that, I don't like this adulting sometimes, I wished I had someone else doing everything for me :) 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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