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Monday 22 October 2018

Coming out the other side....

22nd October 2018
Healing doesn’t have to look magical or pretty.  Real healing is hard, exhausting and draining.  Let yourself go through it.  Don’t try to paint it as anything other than what it is.  Be there for yourself with no judgement.

Well I’ve well and truly rested since I finished work at 11am on Saturday morning, I plan to do similar today and I think I’m almost well again, it’s been 2 weeks of lurgy, that started with a head cold and finished with a bad stomach, the poison has truly worked its way through my body.   Interestingly, the first week I gained 2lb and this week I’ve lost 3lb, not pointed at all, and just eaten what I’ve fancied but not been silly or greedy.

Today’s coaching question;

If you are confused about a decision, ask yourself:
“If I say yes to this, what am I saying no to?” “If I say no to this, what am I saying yes to?”

That question could be used a lot, especially on your weight loss journey, or any wellness goal not just weight loss.  I suppose I used it myself yesterday with my decision not to have breakfast with my besties, if I’d have said yes, I believe I would have been saying not to recovery, I’d have delayed getting well a little longer and possibly passed on my lurgy to them!  By saying no to it, I said yes to feeling better this morning.  Yes I missed catching up but there’s always next Sunday.  I loved that after my blog yesterday V messaged me and said “Just read your blog. I’m up for a road trip one day”, then we chatted and we agreed we could do the trip justice, I’m going to start it now, as V said, there’s no date on it but it’s something to look forward to!  I love this idea, going to get me a large map of Great Britain to stick on the back of my office door and start marking up places where amazing food is produced and served and places that need to be visited.  Could hire a camper van to get from one place to another, that’d give us the option of sleeping in it or parking up whilst we stay somewhere else.  It’ll be the only future plan I’ve thought about in the last 3 years, Alzheimer’s/Vascular Dementia does that to you, puts everything on hold.

Lots of tv watched again yesterday, another Thor film thank you Laura for the suggestion, also enjoyed watching the first season of Jack Whitehall and his dad travelling, mom liked that too so we can start the second season next. 

I’m signing off now cos moms just hidden a tenner and a fiver and she can’t find it, so I’ve got to go help, she’s lost it 4 times this weekend!  Happy days…

Here’s to a great start to the week for all of us, looks quite nice out there at the minute.

Be good, be healthy, focus on your wellness, and remember you’re very, very, important to the world BeYOUtiful. xx

On and if you haven't read Saturday's blog yet, go back and have a read https://wwbevsworld.blogspot.com/2018/10/wanna-snuggle-up.html 

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