
Beverley has prepared the content of Bev's World irresponsibly and carelessly. She therefore disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, originality or completeness of the drivel presented on this blog or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. She vehemently denies that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Beverley shall not be liable for inflicting laughter, shame, disgust, torrents of tears and the eventual desiccation or crashing boredom on readers.

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Thursday 10 August 2023

Shall we all get one day closer to our goals?

Thursday 10th August 2023

Oh I've not had the best nights sleep, couldn't drop off, so only managed just shy of 7 hours which I guess isn't the worse but I was aware of waking, feel okay now I've had a cuppa and I'll be ready for the day after my shower.

Yesterday started with a lovely huddle, I then had to nip across town to Jessica's boutique, getting back in time to take Aryn to the gym.  Not gonna lie, I was in quite a bit of lower back pain yesterday so didn't really want to go, but I did.  However we were on machine number 3 for his leg routine - he has a 'plan' now thanks to my friends lovely son sorting it out for him, anyway, we're on number 3 and a gym instructor comes over and asks his age, then tells him, he can't use the weight machines because he's too young and it'll stop his growth or interfere with it, or some such twaddle.  I looked round and she'd done the same to all the teenagers in there, the teenagers who had been in there all the time we've been going.  I decided to go and talk to someone about it, because that's why we joined the gym so he could use the gym, I'd even done my research previously to see if it was safe, I'd sought out a PT to give him instruction and he never goes alone so I can keep my eye on him.  After waiting for them to discuss it together, the main man admitted he wasn't 100% sure of the rule for the gym and they're going to get back to me today.  I have said if it's a no, I want a refund for the remainder of my membership as we were shown in our induction how to use the machines. 

Lunch was much anticipated by the time we got back, I enjoyed salmon and couscous with lots of veg, I couldn't eat them all but I gave it my best. 

I then got my appetite back all of a sudden, not had much of one all week after being poorly, I had to laugh at myself, I sat here watching Hell's Kitchen thinking, ooo I could just eat a chip butty, then a minute later, ooo I could just eat a pie, or lamb chops, or ..... and so it continued, I ended up having a cheese butty, then going to bed early to try and stop me getting in my car and nipping to the shop for pie and chips, I even put them in my Ubereat basket because I have 40% off until today and getting as far as checking out, but I talked myself down.  

Despite going to bed early, it was still almost ten when I fell asleep and I woke up a lot, not able to get comfy.  

Oh I tried prunes yesterday, can't remember if I mentioned it in yesterdays blog but a member had told me that they are good for bone density, 6 a day, well I expected them to be vile but they're alright, I can eat them, especially if they're this good for me, anything to keep my bones from crumbling as I age!

Right I need to get my butt moving, get showered and dressed for work, looking forward to a busy day (hopefully), seeing lots of members and the forecast is sunshine too thankfully.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me x

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