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Thursday 30 October 2014

let the miserables be banished ;)

30th October 2014
The two things in life you are in total control over are your attitude and your effort. Billy Cox

Well Monday may have been a slap in the face by the scales but they won’t say that number next Monday, I will guarantee that, I won’t like it’s take me until now to believe that statement but I genuinely do feel like I can finish this week with a loss and on track.

Yesterday was delicious, egg, bacon, tomatoes & bread for breakfast, liver and onions with mash and veg for dinner and the last of the left over stew for tea.  Today’s already planned salmon and brown rice for lunch and the spare liver & onion dinner I made up yesterday for when I get home after my long day, that’ll stop me being tempted to stop and get takeaway (which would be doubly tempting this week as we’re touching on that subject in my meeting) and I won’t be snacking when I do get home because there’s nothing there to snack on.

Over 100lb lost by my members yesterday, that always helps to motivate me I have to admit, I also find talking to my helpers and listening to everyone’s stories help me put everything into perspective and that’s what makes group support so special.  Being able to talk to other people who just ‘get it’ makes all the difference, it really does, because this thing called weight loss for most of us isn’t easy and if you’re not careful it becomes a vicious cycle.

You’re miserable so you eat and gain weight, or are you eating and gaining weight and that’s making you miserable?  See it a vicious nasty cycle that’s so easy to get consumed by!

Of course overeating and gaining weight might not be making you miserable, that sometimes is worse because if you’re not unhappy or uncomfortable you may not bother to do anything about it, but what about your health?  Carrying a bit of extra weight isn’t the end of the world but we all know carrying a lot of extra weight can have massive health implications.

So yes I’ve reminded myself of all the benefits of losing a few pounds, not least the chance to remove that extra tyre of fat that’s appeared under my bust line when I sit down, at the moment it’s merely like a racer bike innertube but if I carry on gaining it has the possibility of being promoted to an off-road mountain bike tyre, then oh well I don’t want to even think about the possibilities after that!  Nope this week we’re focusing on the healthy for sure and I believe by doing that the happy is following.

I am by nature a positive person who is most of the time happy, I do however get grumpy and moody and this week I’ve been downright low and miserable at times and I’m not sure if that’s my weight, my hormones, the time of year – I just don’t know!  I just know when it happens, I think to myself well I was happy as a pig in muck with my life last week and nothings changed there so this mood isn’t really justifiable from a what’s going on in my world point of view, so I’m going to just ride it out and do everything in my power to lift me out of that mood as quickly as possible.  I don’t wanna be low, because it’s a horrible place to be.  That’s why I’ve tided and cleaned my house, why my radio is on giving me something to sing along to and why I’ve made a conscious effort to cook good healthy foods that have benefits to my health.  And I was relieved to notice that my mood was lifting yesterday afternoon and this morning I feel fine again. 

What is it they say; you’ve got experience the low to appreciate the highs! Mmm, well universe it’s ok, I always appreciate the highs so you can shove the lows, I don’t need them. 

And for some reason, at 5.30 am on a Thursday morning I have the desire to bake!  What’s that all about, I haven’t really got time to be baking this morning, although…. No really I haven’t, but maybe…. ‘-) I shall get done what needs to be done, then see. 

I’m out all day tomorrow for training so it’s important not to be shattered by overdoing everything today.  Early nights that’s the key, me and my fitbit were asleep by 9pm last night, although Alfie decided he wanted to sleep in the bed not on it last night and has spent most of the night kicking me!  Little dog has powerful legs, that’s all I’m saying ;)

Right coffee time, have a great week and even if those scales didn’t say what you wanted to read this week, you stay positive, stay focused and BeYOUtiful because we can do this. xx


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