18th November 2013
BeYOUtiful is a standard that should be defined by you
I had a
lovely day yesterday, scrapbooking for a good few hours then chilling out with
mom, love lazy Sundays I do, today I’m going to cook though I think, fancy
making a cottage pie, and might make a beef curry too, ooo yeah got visitors
arriving tomorrow so a nice cottage pie waiting for them or whatever I end up
making will be just the job and save us getting a take away!
Last week in my meetings we talking
Filling & Healthy and how our bodies self-regulate with those foods, because
on average, MOST people tend to
eat the same volume of food every day, which is roughly 2kg. I did also say
that there will always be the exceptions as with everything and maybe its that
one person who wants to PROVE ME WRONG!) It’s all about the volume, the human body
doesn't actually recognise the calories in food, only the volume. The body and brain register HOW MUCH you’ve
eaten not HOW MANY ProPoints or Calories was in it. And of course because you’ll be focusing on
the F&H foods you won’t be eating so many of those foods that have I
suppose you’d call them empty calories.

blogged this before I know, however the reason I’m blogging it today is because
curiosity got the better of me, in my meeting a few put on a plate how much
they’d be able to eat and how much they’d put in the pan if they were following
F&H. I wanted people to trust
themselves more with how much they’d eat, no one knows you better than yourself
and we all know when we’re overeating even if we have been told to eat
freely! Unfortunately some people don’t
think they would be able to control themselves and feel they would overeat if
following the F&H plan, I’m off the opinion that I’ve never had anyone join
one of my meetings because they can’t stop eating wholemeal pasta or they
overindulge on brown rice and chicken breast.
Our weight problems are usually caused by items not found on the Filling
& Healthy list. But anyway back to
my curiosity, a few piled double portions on the plates, even triple portions
and one put the entire 500g bag (dried weight) and believed that yes if allowed
to she would eat that food. Even after I
pointed out that we were going to be adding mince and veggies to all that pasta
she still said she could eat it, as pre Weight Watchers she would only eat on
huge meal a day (as I said there is always the exception). So I’ve just cooked a bag of pasta that I
found in the cupboard because the use by date has passed, and here are the
portion photos – now don’t forget you wouldn’t just eat the pasta and on F&H that would be Wholemeal pasta which is even more filling that white, you’d be
adding other stuff like meat and veggies to it.
ones you’re chosen size? Would you stick with the 60g standard trying to lose
weight portion, would you go for double portion or could you eat the
packet? I know if I think about it I’d
end up with between 90-120g but I also know after I’d eaten that meal, I wouldn’t
eat another meal for a while, yeah I may fancy a bit of something nice but that’s
controlled by my weekly allowance so I’m getting a good healthy balanced diet
without having to think too much.
500g dried pasta cooked comes in at 950g, then to add say 400g mince beef and
400g of veggies, WOW I couldn’t do that, not only would I be full a long time
before I was half way through I’d be bored of eating it too. It’s basically a recipe serving four
portions. So even if my belly doesn’t
tell me I’m full, my brain and common sense is telling me that I really need to
share that food with someone else. Just
like back in the bad old days when I was pulling up to KFC in my size 20 trousers
to get a bargain bucket or a family bucket I knew I ought to really be planning
on sharing that with other people! I was
aware what I was doing was greed not need, and it wasn’t until I read an
article in a paper and someone used the word “greedy” that I realised that was
exactly what I was being, at first I was angry at the use of the word, how dare
this person judge me and others like me, then I was hurt by the remark, but
then I realised something that annoyed and hurt me that much was because I knew
there was truth in the statement and I started to change.

get me wrong, I still have moments of greed these days, it’s a modern day
affliction I think, these days though I’m much more aware of it and I keep
myself under control because I care about me and how I feel.
you do too and because you know yourself better than anyone else, you’ll know
if you still need to use scales to get your portions right or if you can trust
yourself to only take what you need or if you’re stomach will scream stop when
you’ve had enough – it’s all a learning process on your journey.
that note, I’ll say have a nice day BeYOUtiful…
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