13th November 2013
"If you don't like the way your world is, you change
it. You have an obligation to change it. You just do it one step at a

5 (her husband has to work damn hard to feed that lot ;-) ), she also cares for her parents who live with her and she lost 3 stone with me – five years ago and she’s kept it off, yes it’s fluctuated a little but having just returned from a ten day all

Yeah I’m a big believer in being aware of your behaviour,
not ignoring it and hoping a miracle will happen. All this weight loss success is just
fabulous, yet it’s members like the lady (I won’t say her name) in my facebook group
who posted “Not having a good day... Can't do this” now she is amazing, because that ‘stuff’
that life throw at you, well it’s been full force for her over the last few
years, but despite a lot of bad days, she’s still here, doing it, trying to
take care of herself because she knows deep down it’s important just like she
is. Then my other members in that group
who are there within minutes supporting her and spurring her own are just remarkable
too. We may be a Weight Watcher group of
members who keep in touch via a facebook group but I’d say it’s turned us into
a team that’s there to help each other succeed.
One great comment made on her
post was,
“You have to ask yourself
what is a bad day? Is there such a thing or is it just life? Find what the
trigger might be, then adjust how you deal with it. Also move more to gain some of the points
you've used up.”:-)
Yeah great point, are bad days just part of life, of course
they are so they’re not going to change so we have to change how we react to
them. What is a bad day anyway – it’s
different for everyone, I used to stress if I went over my ProPoints allowance,
now I smile to myself and silently say ‘oops’ and move on. I love myself, forgive myself and take care
of myself to the best of my ability – you can’t really do much more than that.
Have a great day knowing you are BeYOUtiful, eat gorgeous
and always take care of you.
Don’t stress it, I once read that stress is the result of
taking ourselves/life etc way too seriously, in a year, 5 years from today, how
much of this will really matter. Xx
Have a good day.
When you feel like quitting - remind yourself why you started (Left me in 2003 I wasn't a happy lady as you can see, now I may have gone from a size 20-12 but I've gained a smile which means so much more than the numbers xx )

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