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Saturday 24 December 2016

One more sleep...

24th December 2016
And then I realised that to be more alive, I had to be less afraid. So I did it, I lost my fear and gained my whole life...
It's only Christmas Eve already, it's very early so only just but yep, it's Christmas Eve, a few more hours and I've got a whole week off to relax and spend some quality time with my mom.

I plan to walk the dog, enjoy some cooking, watch a few movies and have a few giggles with my mom.   I had planned a week of overindulging however having done a little bit already and seeing a photo of me in my Santa outfit, I've decided to keep the indulging to Christmas Day / Boxing Day, then I'm back on the healthy.  Why?  Because I liked how I looked in that Santa outfit, I looked good and I don't want to undo all that good work I've done over the last few months and put all that weight back on in a few days.  I'd already gained on Thursday, in the last 4 weeks, I've regained 4lb, that's how easy it is to put it back on!  I could double that by Jan 1 if I keep eating mindlessly. 

Instead I'm going to use the time to get my head into gear, I realised watching my habits is more productive than just watching my weight, so that's my plan. I came across a 'habit tracker' for a bullet journal on Pinterest the other day and I really liked the idea.  At first I got all excited about the idea of a bullet journal, then I realised I'd never have the time or inclination to keep on of those, but the tracker idea really caught my attention.  So this morning because I've been up since stupid o'clock again, I've thought about some of the actions I'd like to become good habits and I've made my very own habit tracker to put inside my Weight Watchers food journal.  How it works is every day I manage to do that habit I colour in that box on the chart - simples.  The plan is to get as many coloured in as possible.  So far I've come up with these habits that I'd like to improve on or continue;

Go for a walk
10k steps
No alcohol
7 hrs Sleep
Eat fruit
Eat vegetables
Don't eat after 8.30
Eat breakfast
Track everything
Eat up the table
Take time to smile
Take time for me

If you can think of any I might wanna add, let me know.  The plan isn't to do all of them every day but as often as I can, some I'd expect to do every day, the water one for example, I expect myself to continue to drink at least 1 pint of water a day, we all know I won't never drink again, but if I can colour in a few no alcohol boxes a week, that's a good habit to get into.    

This is an example of the idea from Pinterest, I can't find the original one but it was very similar.  If you notice on this one she's drawn a line round the days she plans to actually do certain habits - I like that idea too!

I want to be more organised in 2017 too, I need routine to help me be successful, so I might do a daily task tracker too like this one, I forget to take my medication so often! 

Anyway, it's nearly Christmas, I've got some lovely members to weigh this morning, and can I just say, you remember 12 weeks ago when I said #12wkgoal and told you if you follow the plan,

It takes 4 weeks for you to notice a change

It takes 8 weeks for your friends to notice

It takes 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice

It takes one day to decide that you are enough

Well this lovely lady did just that and last night she received her 2 stone award, look at that for a difference;

She's inspired me to get back in the game from Tuesday 27th December, when you getting your healthy back BeYOUtiful?  Have a plan - they work!

In case you don't read my blog in the morning, I'll take this moment to wish you a very Happy Christmas, have the best day, make memories, be nice and enjoy spending time with those you love.

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