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Thursday 15 August 2013

Easy this weight loss ain't it - ERM NO!

1 5th August 2013

It’s not easy – but it’ll be worth it!
Yesterday could have very easily been an off track day, I got to work at 9ish and didn’t feel 100%, think I’ve got a bit of a head cold coming and it’s making this cyst lump in my neck hurt and it has swollen more, it’s all connected through my sinus – not nice.  So I thought painkillers to try to reduce the inflammation, plus I have some good ones from the doctor for my back – problem sorted, took one felt worse, my head now feels all light and fluffy and it was then I realised I’d forgot to have breakfast – HOW!  Well my brother had turned up at my house that morning and thrown me out of routine and I clear forgot.  Had a Weight Watcher sweet and nutty pecan bar to tied me over but still wasn’t right till I got home and had a bowl of serial which at least sorted the dizzy out.

I’d planned on making homemade fishcakes (recipe in this weeks YOUR WEEK) for lunch, I’d even taken the salmon out of the freezer and just felt like I had so much to do that I was having second thoughts about standing in the kitchen cooking, so contemplated just having salmon and microwave rice, but then I reminded myself how fab I’d felt yesterday with my weight loss and how a half hour break from work would do me good.  The fishcakes were delicious by the way and we had them with green beans and leaves grown fresh by Tracey my lovely helper on Tuesday night.

I’ve been fancying Warburton golden syrup scotch pancakes since I bought some for my mom the other week, especially after finding out they were 3 for 5pp so that was tea with raspberries, blue berries, banana, honey and squirty cream – nice ;) just hit the spot it did.  And total of 7pp was a bargain, add this all to my milk in my drinks all day and I managed to end on 26pp, with 5pp earned on my pedometer, Alfie wasn’t in a walking mood yesterday so I didn’t clock up many.

Realised I didn’t drink much water yesterday so I’m sat here with a pint in my hand, I’ll need it even more today after taking painkillers, they don’t help my insides at all!

Someone said to me yesterday having lost 22lb so far “Losing weight is now a priority not something I hope will happen”, doesn’t that sound great, both the weight loss and the fact she’s made it a priority.  I smiled and nodded as I read it, because it’s a great feeling when you are there and realising that you’re important too and putting yourself first or as a priority. 

Unfortunately life gets in the way doesn’t it, I realise there are times when it isn’t easy to remember that you are important and making weight loss a priority is unlikely to happen, take the six weeks holidays for example, especially if you work - you’re so busy trying to get all your housework done, keep the kids entertained, do your day job, dealing with feelings of guilt because you’re unable to spend the holidays with the kids and have fun with them, you probably feel even worse because you can’t even afford day trips or a holiday out because there are so many bills to pay and yet you’re working and should be able too.  This is when you’re likely to think well the least I can do is treat them to McDonald’s or the Wacky Warehouse and a pub meal!  Plus doing that means you haven’t got to cook which is a double bonus because you’re shattered!  Recognise yourself?

Or are you someone who’s looking after an elderly or sick relative, do you spend most of the day taking care of their needs, running round trying to get everything else done too, because you’ve still got a family to take care of also.  Do you have to make different meals for everyone and by the time you get to you, you just think oh I can’t be bothered?

Yes when life’s easy, weight loss is easy; when life’s a little harder you have to try a little or even a lot more. 

And do you know what, the harder you try, the better the reward feels!  You’ll be so glad you did prioritise yourself, your kids will be glad too because they’ll have a happier parent, your sick relative or elderly parent will be chuffed too because you’ll have much more energy and patience because you’ll feel better and happier. 

Yeah it’s tougher but so worth the effort.

So today just for once put you first – it isn’t selfish, it’s self care. Xx

I haven’t planned or decided what I’m going to eat today so I’m going to check out the kitchen now whilst I get myself another glass of water and put the kettle on for a cuppa, so if you haven’t decided either, go do the same, take 5 to check out your cupboards and get on track.

Remember EatGorgeous, BeYouTiful and you are worth the effort.

Have a fabulous, on track & in the zone day.

One of my Gorgeous members wrote this yesterday on our group page, as you read it – sing it with me;

We're moving, we're grooving we're in the zone we're losing!”

WHAT A TUNE!  Learn the words and repeat regularly and if you’re lyrical maybe you can write a few more lines for me ;-)

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