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Thursday 19 September 2024

Every day matters

 Thursday 19th September 2024

Well I'm on day 4 of tracking and I do feel better in myself already, I slept better last night, according to Fitbit I had 7hrs 25m of which 2hrs 1m was deep sleep, I don't very often get much more than 1 hour of deep sleep. 

I've enjoyed my meals too, just hope I can survive the weekend, yesterday looked like this; 


This was lush, a little high on saturated fat but I wouldn't have it every day!  I do like toast with butter though, its scrumptious.  Mushrooms are so good for you too, they can boost your immune system, lower blood pressure and supply vitamin D among other things.

I spotted these in Sainsbury's, love lemon tarts I do and these small little treats hit the spot, only 63 calories. 

Dinner was gammon, mash and courgettes topped with parmesan cheese.  I had a whole pack of beetroot too, it was lush, 200g fig & balsamic beetroot in Sainsbury's, it was reduced to 69p and I really enjoyed it.  It balanced out the salty gammon.

So I've managed 3 days on track, the day before was egg, mushrooms and tomato on a slice of toast, beans and sausage on a jacket for lunch and a ham and mayo sandwich for dinner - need to up my 5 a day intake but I'm getting there. 

I'm not expecting a loss at the scales because I've only done half a week and the weekend was indulgent, but I'm back on track .

Did half hour at the gym too yesterday, although my knee isn't enjoying it at all!  

And no I still haven't used that damn butternut squash, today I will roast some as I have a M&S ready meal that it will go with, that was a yellow sticker one, I found in the freezer yesterday so have defrosted.  

Busy day ahead so I better get ready for it, hopefully Aryn won't break anything today, he pulled the shower rail out of the ceiling yesterday, I don't know how!  

Let's remember why we're doing this, here's a thought for the day; 

 "Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it."

I read this yesterday and it did give me something to think about, so today I will think about that before eating. 

Mwah, luv ya

Love me xx

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