We forget that without it we can't function and watching mom go downhill in front of my eyes affirmed that to me.
No food is 'bad', some food is healthier and more filling but all foods are allowed in moderation. This weekend has reminded me of that. The better the quality of the food is that you put into your body, the better your body functions.
This weekend also reminded me that certain things don't really matter, some things just aren't that important. My brother came round and bought with him a pizza which we cooked, I looked for the pizza wheel, couldn't find it so I used a knife. Then my brother asks, "haven't you got a pizza wheel". I explained I had but mom doesn't put things back in the same place twice. He ignored me and starting talking about how I could get a magnetised one or how I should hang it on one of the hooks I have in the kitchen. I smiled to myself as I remembered buying those hooks in the hope it would stop mom hiding things - it didn't. So now I just cut my pizza with a knife and if she hides all of them I'll rip it with my hands. Having my mom well is far more important than kitchen utensils!
The final thing this weekend drew to my attention is I still haven’t got my emotional eating under control, but it has changed it’s appearance! I didn’t find myself binging or sitting down with loads of crisps or chocolate, instead I found that I just ‘couldn’t be bothered’, as in instead of thinking what can I have that’s good for me, I just grabbed the easiest thing to make. I can’t even blame that on not having the time because I’ve had nothing but time this weekend sitting round.
So today, I wipe the slate clean, get weighed, face the music on the scales and thank the universe that unlike my mom I was able to eat this weekend. Then I shall come home and look in the fridge and cupboards and ProPoint whatever I eat, I plan to stick within my 29 daily allowance and save my weeklies for the weekend. What’s my motivation?
My motivation is looking after my body so it can keep me going for many more years and so those years are spent feeling fit and well!
I hope your weekend was more fun than mine and that you managed to stay within your ProPoints allowance ;) On the bright side at least I got to work on my website – www.happyowls.co.uk which I’ve been getting around to for weeks.
Here’s to a fabulous week, I’ve just realised it’s Easter this weekend and May day the weekend after, which means two long weekends and two short weeks at work, I plan to make them count! Do you?
Have a great day xx
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