Big day yesterday mom had her cataracts done so she’s a bit of an invalid at the moment because she’s poorly anyway, we were at the doctors on the morning getting a third set of antibiotics before we even went to the hospital for her eye op, which went very well I add, she said she didn’t feel a thing so that’s a bonus! She’s quite poorly and in bed at the moment so I’m playing nursemaid this weekend I think.
Anyhow the reason I’m actually telling you, besides the fact a lot of you have asked me how she got on is that some days just stop you staying on track, it happens to us all. We get out of bed with the best of intentions, I got up yesterday deciding yes I’m going to start tracking today, I even reset my start date on Weight Watchers esource tracker to start Friday. I made this decision after eating my breakfast which was 2 Wall’s Micro Sausage (7pp) and mushrooms with 2 Weight Watcher nann breads (6)! I still thought no I’m fine I can do this, that’s brunch and I won’t eat again till later today, I’ll just do two meals. So I was doing fabulous, took mom to doctors, then to the hospital and dropped her off for three hours then came back and did housework – yes me, I tidied and cleaned, and earned 3pp in the process, strangely I actually enjoyed doing it! When I got mom back home I tried to make her eat something, so made her a sandwich but she wouldn’t and went to bed instead, so of course I ate it! Then I opened a bottle of wine and a bag of wotsits and a handful of boiled ham later, I ended the day having used 52pp! I did earn 6pp on my pedometer so that’s a bonus. Anyway I’m still going to still with the tracking even though I did start too brilliantly, I have that weekly allowance of 49 to play with which will keep me going. I’ve nothing planned for the weekend so should be able to spend some time cooking good food. I did make one thing yesterday that was good on PP, a Dolmio stir-in sauce for pasta, creamy carbonara, it was 5pp and I just warmed in up in the microwave and served in on top of a pile of steamed vegetables and it was delicious, who needs pasta!
Well this blogs taking a long time to write, cos mom’s playing the patient to perfection, I’ve just made her second cup of tea since I started typing ;D
Moving onto a totally different subject altogether, we were talking about that voice in your head that says nasty things to you in the meeting this week and that also led onto the nasty things that other people say! Which reminded me of a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”, even though someone’s words may be ugly, either intentional or unintentional, no one can make you feel bad about yourself unless there is some par t of you that agrees with what they’re saying. No matter what anybody says to you or about you if you know better then there’s no reason to take it to heart. When you know who you really are, the opinions of others remain just that, OPINIONS and remember everyone has an opinion – just ask them! But opinions are opinions not facts and when you really understand this you stop giving your power away to other people.
I’m gonna sign off early today, because guess what, mom wants something ;D
Have a great weekend and go tell someone you love them, don’t wait till it’s too late. Whether your moms poorly or well, call her and say hi xx
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