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Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Zero icecream!

28th June 2011

An old man once said, "There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad, and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who don't. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.

Normally a lover of the sun, I have to admit I was glad it rained last night and it’s cooler today, must be my age ;D

But if the sun should return here are two recipes to help cool you down the first one is zero propoints!

banana ice cream

This is a great recipe for using up bananas past their best. Supermarkets often sell off spotted bananas cheaply so snap them up and make this amazingly simple ice cream. It contains no cream or sugar so is really good for you too.  Peel 8 ripe bananas, wrap in cling film and freeze overnight.  Allow to soften for 20 minutes then put into a food processor and whiz until thick and creamy. Serve immediately or refreeze.

Make a quick 4pp pud

Instant strawberry ice: Tip 200g frozen strawberries (you can freeze your own for this) into a food processor with 1 large banana, a 100g pot strawberry fromage frais (3pp) and a sprinkling sugar (1pp). Blend until smooth and eat straight away.

Last night in the meeting we were talking about holidays and coping with them without damaging your diet too much and some members actually don’t gain weight on holiday believe it or not because they’ve changed their habits so much they actually don’t want to overindulge as they no longer enjoy or need to do it.  I could see from the smile on one ladies face that she was in that place and I have to admit I was a little envious, it’s a great place to be when your that focused, so far she’s lost two and a half stone and I’m sure she’ll go all the way to goal because she’s enjoying it. 

That’s really the most important thing about weight loss, if you’re not enjoying the journey then the final destination is pointless because you won’t be able to maintain it.  It’s no good eating salad and fish for lunch everyday if you don’t actually like the taste!  Even though I still battle with that last ½ stone of mine because I have changed my eating patterns along the way and no aim for “healthy and happy” rather than “slim and surly” I don’t gain weight, I’ve maintained within 5lb of 11 stone for 2 years now, it may not be my official goal, but it’s a weight I’m happy with and one I can obviously maintain.  I do this by eating foods I enjoy and by allowing myself to indulge ‘just enough’, I rarely eat for emotional reasons these days, I more often than not because I like food and good food at that.

I’ve just had a conversation with my sister at the gate, she’s the same we enjoy the art of eating, if there’s a new food in the shop, we want to try it, we enjoy cooking and there’s nothing wrong with that, I however have made a choice to attempt to keep that love in balance with my love of being comfortable and healthy in my body, my sister decided she prefers the food and beggar the scales.

The most important thing it to find a situation that you’re happy with and for each of us that’s different, I can live in my body as it is right now and I love it, if you can’t and don’t feel the same way about your own body, then you need to make chances to get you where you want to be. Xx

Here’s to becoming the ‘YOU’ you want to be. 

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