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Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Ramblings of a middle aged women (is 55 still middle-aged?)

 Tuesday 14th January 2025

I don't really remember what I wrote in yesterdays blog, I never do to be honest, I just sit - type - post without much thought, I always have, it's my way of processing stuff, it always helped when I was caring for mom through her dementia journey.

I had so many wonderful comments on my blog, a heartfelt thank you to everyone who took the time to do that, it was very much appreciated. 

"What a shit start to the year for you"

"Life is a bastard"

and other such messages were sent to me yesterday but let's not think that way, it wasn't the start of the year, my year started happily in Ireland with the man I love, in bed cos we'd been there since about half nine because we're rock and roll and we were sleeping not doing that sheet dancing stuff.  

Elle's diagnosis wasn't the start of the year either, it was early December.  

The dates things happen are irrelevant and they don't dictate how the rest of the year will turn out.  Life can be unfair sometimes but it can be unfair for everyone which actually makes it fair doesn't it!

IT IS WHAT IT IS!  That's Elle's go to saying since her diagnosis and she's spot on and the sooner we all accept that, the easier life is.  You can't fight what you have no control of, so stop trying.

My brothers last day was spent laughing, smiling and being a devil, he rocked up at my house about half 11 in the morning with a mission to go on the piss!  That man shouldn't have lasted the first year after his diagnosis, the doctor who told him he had it said 'you're riddled with cancer mate' he had an excellent bedside manner obviously, hell Mark had only gone to the hospital with a bad shoulder and he came out with Prostate Cancer and crazy PSA levels they'd rarely if ever seen!  We Longsden's don't do things by halves do we!  

However today would've been the 6th year anniversary - that's saying FUCK YOU to cancer if ever anyone did, but back to Saturday, I believe he knew, maybe not consciously but something in his head told him to come to mine.  He nipped to his other sisters first, took the piss out of her and her husband for two hours, nicked her jammie dodgers then gave her a hug and told her he loved her before rocking up at mine.

He called me to ask if I was in and asked if he could come round, when I hung up the phone himself said, good job you said yes because he's already outside :) From the minute he came through the door he wanted us to go to the pub but we slowed him down by taking him with us to do some Clay Pigeon shooting, then we had to pick up the motorhome from being cleaned so we kept him away from the bar for an extra 4 hours.

We did have a good chat in the pub talking about our childhood, he shot a hole in my Christmas teddy bear with his pellet gun on Christmas day when I was a kid, he tried to blame our Terry but there aren't many things I remember in life but that incident was one of them, he apologised and said he'd buy me a new one lol.  Even when I left he continued to tell himself about my dad and our lives as kids - some would say we had a really hard time but all I remember is my mothers love and that was all we needed.  We never starved, we might have lived on the choice of two meals - egg and chips or chips and egg but we never went hungry.  We looked like knobs in second hand clothes that didn't fit us and free school uniform but hey, that was all character building!

I have 3 brothers, sorry had and what always made me smile is how much they loved each other but when they were with me individually they'd slag each other off, Mark would tell me what a knob our Terry and Ian were, Terry and Ian would slag Mark and as Terry and Ian are still alive what they say about each other to me will remain with me :) 

Oh and just for the record, I also slag all my siblings off, Saturday when we got back to the car at Millride whilst Mark was still chatting with an old friend he'd bumped into, I said to himself "Will you stop being nice to my family and inviting them out with us" I'm proper laughing at that now because he looked at me with disgust and said that's just being polite Bev to which my response was 'STOP BEING POLITE THEN!"  It was only because I don't like an audience when I shoot nor an expert NOT telling me how to do it.  

He's said no relative is allowed to stay at our house ever again because he can't go through another dying on  us again!

What's made us all smile was that wetroom was fitted for mom when she was ill and we all put towards it but he loved to say he paid for it, we he obviously thought 'I paid for it, I'll die in it - that'll show em!'  Got his money's worth there didn't he.

He was so bloody happy sitting in my living room having the crack when I came down to tell em to be quiet, he looked like a naughty kid being told off.  In the pub earlier he'd told me how much he loved the relationship I had now, how we were with each other.  He thanked me again for taking care of his mom, said he'd never be able to thank me enough for that and he hugged me and told me he loved me before I left the pub too.

We won't know for a few days if they'll want to do a post mortem but it's likely because of the drug trials he was part of, he was all for letting them try everything and anything on him to keep his cancer at bay and help them learn more.  He was a very, clever man our Mark, an annoying man, but a loving man who realised (maybe too late) that money and success wasn't as important as people and love but as soon as he was diagnosed he loved harder than he ever had, he embraced life and did as much as he could, having as many experiences as possible.

Am I okay?  No of course not - will I be - absolutely because that's the way I'm made.  Every time I open my eyes in the night, I see his face, I can't sit on the loo without seeing him there - that doesn't make for a comfortable bathroom experience!  The towel rail is bent where he must have tried to catch himself, I made the mistake of trying to work out what happened, putting myself where he would've been - that's just a silly thing to do and will only mess with my head so I won't be doing that again.  These thoughts and feelings will fade, I don't need to stop using that bathroom, life goes on and we have to too.

He had told me that I needed to go swimming and get back to the gym again, gave me advice on my pain so I'm gonna do that because my big brother told me too.

It's so easy to say 'fk it, life's too short, you might as well eat and drink what you want because you're gonna die anyway', but that's bullshit and just a cop out, life will be even shorter if you have that mentality.  Instead let's do our best to make life healthier and longer by taking care of ourselves as best as we can.  Eat healthy, drink sensibly (if you want to stop altogether crack on, I won't be doing that), do some exercise or activity of some kind - take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live.


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