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Sunday, 15 November 2015

Do you have an angel on your shoulder?

Sunday 15th November 2015
Stop overthinking.  You can't control everything, just let it be.

What's that poem about the angel and the devil, I've just been reading a couple of Facebook conversations that reminded me of it, I'll just go find it on my pc, here it is;

I’ve an angel on my shoulder & a devil on my back
My angel tells me nicely to be strong & stay on track.
Then my devil whispers “Go ahead, one more won’t hurt”.
So where is he next morning when I can’t fasten my skirt?
Every time I have a problem & I’m stressed out of my mind,
My angel just reminds me to breathe deep and to unwind.
However, devil sees a different angle to the mess.
He says a chocolate sandwich will cure ills & end distress
& just when I’m about to fall into the trap once more,
My angel rescues me with a push right out the door;
For I was in the kitchen where I always find myself,
Looking for solutions to my problems on the shelf.
My devil almost won again but I would not give in.

I think every one of us can relate to this, where we have that conflict going on inside, one half of us is trying to desperately hold onto how well we've done in losing our weight so far and changing our habits to make healthier choices.  Then the other half of us is living in the moment, not thinking about the consequences, saying what the hell I'm having fun, this food is delicious and oooo that alcohol is making me feel fabulous, I'm having a ball!

And you know what, living in the moment and having a ball is absolutely okay, because it's all about balance, overeating is okay as long as it's not a continual thing that takes you back to where you started and makes you ill.  Being overweight isn't the worse thing a person can be, you can be healthy and heavy.

At the same time you can enjoy yourself without having to overeat and drink - you can honest!

Plus we all know we'll never find the answers to our problems in the kitchen not unless we're in there having a natter with a friend over coffee.  When you're exhausted, you won't find your mattress in the fridge, go to bed if you're tired!

After everything I heard and saw on the news yesterday, if all I have to concern myself with is being overweight and/or being in pain then I feel even more blessed than I did before.

Someone told me I'd go to heaven the other day because of the things I'm doing, that's not why I do them, I don't actually believe in heaven, I'm not religious at all (each to their own), I behave how I do because I believe it to be the right thing to do,  I try to live with love, compassion and kindness in the hope that others will too and I see it being returned.

Yesterday was wonderful, the food bank lady came to collect all the donations my amazing BeYOUtiful members had made and we filled her car to the brim, makes you feel good inside to know you did a bit to help.  My mom told me last week how someone did this for her when we were kids, the Samaritans (or similar) bought her a box of food and a little gift for each of us, made her well up remembering their kindness and it brings tears to my eyes thinking about it.

My wonderful helper Carol had her birthday this week and yesterday she bought 4 handbags full for the Helping Handbag appeal (https://www.facebook.com/events/486687878166674/) and a trolley full of food for the food bank, this is what she chose to spend her birthday money on, because she's been there, been that person in need, I thought that was just a lovely gesture.

We just never know what's around the corner, but we can all be kind and caring and compassionate now. xx

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