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Tuesday 17 August 2021

Already done my workout ain't I!

Tuesday 17th August 2021
The struggle is part of the journey.

Got my 8 hours sleep last night, it was broken but going to bed early helps because no matter how many times I wake up, I average 8 hours sleep overall. 

I wasn't up to the 30 min Youtube exercise I'd done the day before so yesterday morning I did a 17 minutes Joe Wickes, managed all but the last exercise, not one I'd want to repeat but if you don't try you don't know.  I then did a 30 minutes yoga session for sensitive knees with Adriene, https://youtu.be/VfSlEgg4ApE so at least I did some exercise, I want to get into the habit of 30 minutes a day, preferably first thing.  

Now because I'm at work this morning and I already get up at half five, I know I don't rush about in a morning so could probably fit it in anyway, but so I had no excuse, I set my alarm for 5am.  Aware that I don't want to go at all this like a bull at a gate, I want to strengthen my body, not mess it up, I already have a bit of back pain which has been there for a few months so I went looking for a beginner friendly workout and I found this one, I've just really enjoyed it too, I've subscribed to their channel, it's always nice to have something good to look at whilst your sweating :) I also liked that he wasn't finding it easy, even if he was only pretending, it made me feel better.  I've finally figured out how to save a video on the tv version of Youtube, couldn't work it out the day before - doh!

Well meat free Monday happened but I caved and had salmon, I haven't wanted to eat salmon for a good few months, for some reason I just haven't fancied it, so when I did fancy it, knowing how good it is for me, I didn't want to miss the opportunity of getting it back on my menu.  It was delicious, I'm so glad I cooked it, I used up the leftover potatoes too.
I crushed the potatoes, then fried my leftover shallots and garlic in garlic butter before pouring over the potatoes, there's some edamame beans, olives and sundried tomatoes in there too.  I had a portion with cabbage.  Only did one fillet of salmon, had the other potatoes in a dish for me tea. Both plate were delicious.  

For my breakfast I had apple, yogurt, agave syrup and sunflower seeds.  It was food let's just say, it's not quite a bacon sarnie but it was one of my five a day.

Let's just say all that goodness is why I was awake in the middle of the night!  I'm not expecting any weight loss today, I'm actually expecting a gain so if the scales say otherwise, it's the seeds and cabbage! 

Alfie had another trip to the vets yesterday, the injection to stop him itching didn't work this month, so we're going to try tablets, 2 a day for a fortnight and if they work then they go to 1 a day, plus a spray that I can put directly on the sort spots - that cost another £60! 

Not decided what's on the menu today, I do have the other half of the apple so I will have that for breakfast, The natural yogurt I have is use by 15th, could that be the culprit of why I was awake in the night lol! I'll go looking later for what to eat, there's only the choice of what's in the kitchen so I can't really make a bad choice, the fridge is almost empty now, other than some cheese and cans of pop, looking forward to shopping at the weekend, fresh salad and veggies mmm.  

Back to today though, I've just looked and I already have 3.5k steps on my fitbit from my workout, which it's also acknowledge as aerobic workout 27 minutes burning 195 calories!  Great start to my day.

See some of you at the huddles later, have a great day and be kind to yourself xx

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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