
Beverley has prepared the content of Bev's World irresponsibly and carelessly. She therefore disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, originality or completeness of the drivel presented on this blog or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. She vehemently denies that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Beverley shall not be liable for inflicting laughter, shame, disgust, torrents of tears and the eventual desiccation or crashing boredom on readers.

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Saturday 6 July 2024

Survived another day!

 Saturday 6th July 2024

My knee was a bitch yesterday, I did manage Pilates but I had to cancel the afternoon yoga session as my knee was swollen and really painful, it's a bit easier at the minute so hopefully that'll last.

I had a busy day yesterday, got the housework done, the washing, went shopping for the food bank, it's amazing how much you can get when your members donate the odd 50p!

I enjoyed my breakfast of smoked salmon and soft cheese on a muffin, plus my orange.  I forgot to take photo of my lunch, I had tinned peaches with yogurt and a jelly, really liked the tinned fruit, will defo get more.  

I didn't eat all the chips so I only had about 100g but I couldn't eaten loads of that steak, he was glad most of it went on his plate!  

We nipped to the pub, I drove and stupidly had diet pepsi / coke because I then couldn't sleep because of the caffeine, I won't be doing that again, need to find me a alcohol free drink for the pub, I'm happy to have water tbh.

I did enjoy a glass of wine with my dinner when we got home and to stop me being tempted to have another, I cleaned my teeth and that worked.  A little over on my daily total but I'm good with that.  

Let's see how I handle the weekend, at least I've done good all week, so I'll take whatever.  It's my brothers 60th birthday today and would've been moms 86th birthday so he was her 26th birthday present!  It's the first time, I haven't automatically thought about moms birthday, it wasn't until I saw my other brothers facebook post that I remembered.  It's good to remember those no longer with us, but I feel it's better to focus on who we still have here and he's a great brother, I should've took cake up the Wrekin on Monday with us to celebrate, we've done that before.

Anyway, I have a busy morning to get too, looking forward to seeing our members, let's have a great weekend.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me 

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