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Tuesday 9 July 2024

Another day using the magic journal :)

Tuesday 9th July 2024

Another day in the magic journal complete, on track too (just).  I skipped breakfast then enjoyed this salad for lunch, I had a piece of trout that needed using up and Aryn had bought a 400g loaf so I indulged in a slice with a cheese triangle on it, mmm.  I love food I do.

Dinner was this taco kit, I made it with chicken mince from Aldi, 
It was good, but I prefer the regular taco seasoning mix to this sweet paprika & garlic, although this meal was lighter in texture and flavour.  I did like the new taco shells which are wider so you can actually get the mixture in.

I indulged in more wine than was planned but it tasted good and I enjoyed it!  

I love doing the Pilates and Yoga on a Monday, it's two hours of calm, I was pleased yesterday that the instructor told me I had good technique because I always think I'm not quite doing it right trying to remember what to pull in, when to breathe in and out, where to put your belly when it's in the way :) but I must be doing something right.

Busy day ahead in huddles, meals need to be planned! I'd put salmon in my planner but I might change it for fish in breadcrumbs or gastro which I can cook from frozen, I need to get stuff done today, boringell stuff like housework, I have leftover lamb that I might make into a shepherds pie and freeze unless I can think of something else!  I have bought the Co-op £5 pizza deal, to have whilst watching the England came but I'll miss the first half taking Aryn to MMA, I could enjoy it during the second half I guess and eat late, or I'll have it beforehand, we shall see.

I'm feeling good, ready for the day, let's do this, day 9 of tracking in my magic book, positivity helps win the day.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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