
Beverley has prepared the content of Bev's World irresponsibly and carelessly. She therefore disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, originality or completeness of the drivel presented on this blog or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. She vehemently denies that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Beverley shall not be liable for inflicting laughter, shame, disgust, torrents of tears and the eventual desiccation or crashing boredom on readers.

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Wednesday 14 August 2024

Love a good bowl of pasta!

Tuesday 14th August 2024

Well yesterday was much calmer than Monday thankfully!  Got all my washing on the line before going to work, had a brilliant morning, such a laugh in our huddles and lots of celebration of weight loss.

I cooked when I got home on the night, I've had another Hello Fresh box because they sent me an offer and we really enjoyed this one.  It had a lot of flavour, it wasn't 'hot & spicy' at all just tasty.  You could lower the calories by using half fat creme fraiche, that would save 250 calories on the recipe.  Swap the lamb mince out for pork, another 500 calories saved, you could use quorn and make it vegetarian.  I'd make it again for sure, I've put the recipe at the bottom.

If you fancy 60% off to try a box use this link.  You can pause or continue the subscription really easily.

My day overall was work, food, finishing my jigsaw and watching rubbish tv, perfect in other words!  
This is the main reason I don't have loads to blog because my life is quite calm.  

I'm not loving the heat, it's not helping my sleep pattern at all, my fitbit says I've had 7hrs 30m but it doesn't feel like I have, I'm dreaming more lately and getting up to go to the loo around 3am (cos you really wanted to know that!).

Todays a huddle, followed by a trip to the supermarket with Aryn, he needs feeding daily apparently!  I'm toying with trying to fit in a couple of hours at the shooting range, I'm loving my new hobby, it's so calming, for the time I'm there, I completely zone out from the world and focus on the target in front of me, I'm outdoors getting some fresh air too and all the walking to and from the target is exercise - what more could I want.

I've got a couple of  Vinted parcels to drop off too, if you've not used this app to sell your stuff on yet, you should, even if you only get a couple of pounds, it adds up doesn't it.  I've only just started using it but its so easy because the buyer pays the postage.

Right that's me for today, seriously go treat yourself to the gochujang paste and make that recipe, you'll like it a lot, I'd add more mushrooms too, actually I'd consider putting peppers, courgettes and other veggie and maybe removing the mince altogether!  

Here's to a great day, smiling at life whatever gets thrown your way.

Mwah, luv ya

Love me x


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