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Sunday 19 February 2023

Starting Day 3!

Sunday 19th February 2023
Realism not Perfectionism!

Day 1 (Friday 17th Feb)

Challenge number 1, awake since 1am thanks to jet lag, at half three he suggests we eat because it’s really half eight in the Maldives.  Bacon sandwiches on white bread is his plan has he bought them whilst over the shop yesterday.  I resist, it is bacon medallions which would’ve been 400 calories, which would’ve have even filled me up.  I’m gonna wait and go get eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms and have an omelette.  I’m thinking soup for lunch and maybe getting some fish for dinner later with delicious vegetables and maybe new potatoes.  Let’s see how the day pans out, damn that sarnie smelt good, thankfully he wanted a second one so the bacon has gone.
Challenge number 2, watching him eat 2 packets of crisps at 8.15am whilst I’m waiting to take Aryn to school and get eggs and mushrooms for my omelette.  I managed and I really enjoyed my 212-calorie breakfast and then he has a chicken sandwich and another bag of crisps!
Challenge 3, “What we doing for lunch?  Do you want McDonalds?”  Challenge 4 “Do you fancy coming to the pub for a drink?” 
I was well behaved, made it through the day, nipped to shop to get some food, bought soup and fish and nice veggies.   Had carrot and coriander soup for lunch with a slice of soda bread topped with phili light.  Then when I made their dinner later, I wasn’t hungry so didn’t have anything.  As I dished up their sea bass, rice and broccoli, I felt like I wasn’t giving them enough food, but they didn’t complain, ate it all and said thank you – so yes we need to put portion sizes to realistic sizes going forward. 
My day looked like this;


I did have a glass of wine but I didn't want more, so with my cups of tea and coffee, I only had 697 calories on Friday but I was in bed by 6.30pm, jet lag really has knocked me about, bad stomach, tired, felt generally off, thankfully I feel okay now (Saturday morning).  I'm so glad we bought a new frying pan before holiday, we got it half price in Tesco when we took Aryn to get his shop, perfect as it doesn't need any oil for omelette - how long that will last we shall see.

It's Saturday morning now and I'm just about to go to work, I've had another omelette and used the leftover broccoli from last nights dinner - lush.


I've just giggled, he'd left the top off some painkiller gel and I said, 'it's like having a child', his response was "Yeah Bev, it is, I don't know how I cope with you, 'mind the step', 'don't fall on the rocks', I'm constantly having to watch you!"  He's not wrong you know, I fell over a step at the airport on way out, then the falling on rocks, I'm proper clumsy.

Right will continue later, I need to go see my tribe x

Well check me out, I ate breakfast, wore my jeans and I've only lost 1/2lb on holiday - woo hoo.

After a great meeting this morning, we drove to Stratford-upon-Avon as he needed to sort some work stuff out so two birds, one stone and all that, we ended up having a pub lunch, Aryn had pizza, he had fish and chips, I opted for gammon because it was on my 'I fancy eating list' so there wasn't much else to choose from that was lower in calories.  To be honest, it was actually the best I've had ever I think, those chips were off the scale because I don't think many pubs can make a decent chip these days (please let me know of anywhere that can and we can add it to our eat list.  I was full before I finished and whereas normally I'd make myself eat it, I left a piece of gammon about the size of my palm which he ate saving me a few calories, I used Wetherspoons as a guide although it was The Old Tramway Inn | Stratford-upon-Avon | Facebook definitely recommend.  Another challenge was resisting the slice of pizza Aryn left, I made himself eat it to save me from myself. 

Those challenges are everywhere aren't they, I could probably give you lots more from the last couple of days but you experience plenty yourself.  What I've been amazed by is one challenge I haven't had, WINE, I've just not been bothered about not having it, long may that continue to give me a kick start ay.

Shattered still and body out of sync, we nipped to Aldi for a few bits on way home, I sat looking at the living room thinking it needs a tidy but didn't do it.  We instead went to lie in bed to watch a bit of tele, then got up for me to make them both some dinner, I didn't have any, just wasn't hungry so didn't want to give myself indigestion.  We were in bed by eight, my Fitbits telling me I've had 8hrs 33m of good sleep!  It says I was awake for 1h 23m, some of that we were both wide awake at about 3ish, I'll leave that to your imagination but it helped me go back to sleep afterwards ;) I won't tell you how many active minutes my Fitbit is saying I've done so far as I don't want to ruin his reputation lol.

Up this morning just after 6 so the jetlag is getting better, we've both been having lots of dreams and we wondered if that's a symptom of jetlag because they're blooming annoying to be honest, the ones where you're glad to wake up.

Busy morning, I'm following him whilst he takes motorhome to site for work, then I'll bring him back so he can get his car as he'll be there a few weeks at least.  I love the very bones of him, but I am looking forward to having the remote control back, not watching car videos on YouTube and being able to star sleep in my bed.  I'm still amazed we went the entire holiday without a cross word.  I've turned back into crazy bitch since we got home, losing my shit over the daftest thing like going to bed last night, nipping to the loo and there's no loo roll because apparently I'm the only person in the house who knows how to carry those big heavy white rolls up the stairs!  My wobbly's are short and ridiculous and thankfully he ignores me, he's so calm, it's annoying sometimes lol.

Not sure what's on the menu today, he's going to leave around 4 I think so maybe something light, I've got seabass in the fridge as I didn't have any Friday night, I'm thinking that with veggies, if I go without the carbs I can have both fillets!  I'll look to see what I can find the boys in the freezer, I do have a Sainsbury's delivery coming between 12 and 4, I placed it because I had a £10 coupon and most of the stuff I ordered was Aldi price matched.

Right he's getting up now, so we'll be off soon, I'll leave you to enjoy your Sunday, hopefully you will get to enjoy it and not just catch up on housework, cook dinner etc.

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me 

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