
Beverley has prepared the content of Bev's World irresponsibly and carelessly. She therefore disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, originality or completeness of the drivel presented on this blog or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. She vehemently denies that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Beverley shall not be liable for inflicting laughter, shame, disgust, torrents of tears and the eventual desiccation or crashing boredom on readers.

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Sunday 22 January 2023

Sunday chilling

Sunday 22nd January 2023
I swear it was Friday like 5 minutes ago!

I had a lovely day yesterday, started with our huddle which as always was the perfect way to start a Saturday, I do enjoy all our huddles, lucky to have a job that brings me joy.

Next, I got back around eleven and decided to get rid of the plastic cups we'd acquired thinking they were paper cups, so put a post on Facebook and BOOM everyone wanted them so that filled a couple of house, people coming to collect them.  Himself went to get some stuff for the motorhome to make it run better, oh I don't know, it's all just car stuff to me, but he checked my oil and filled my water at the same time so he was in my good books, especially when I also found a huge bouquet and a balloon in the porch to make me smile, I do love my flowers.

I spent an hour giving the living room a good tidy whilst he was out and about, you can see the table again and everything has been put away. What with that and carrying those boxes of cups downstairs, I managed 71 active minutes 20 minutes of which were cardio and peak - that don't happen very often!

We'd decided to have chicken wings for tea, so I asked the boys to nip to Farm Foods and get some and some coca cola for himself because he doesn't like the diet stuff.  I gave them a £2 coupon to use if they spent £25 and the response I got was, "how are we gonna spend £25", to which I replied "well you never know!" 

15 minutes later, a notification popped up on my phone from UW saying, you have just spent £48 in Farm Foods, seriously HOW!  I've not laughed so much at a bill in a while!  They came back laden with bags of chicken wings, bags pork ribs, 2 trays of minted lamb chops, garlic cheese pizza bread, cheese and onion bites, onion rings and coca cola, I think that was everything.

I have to say it was all delicious when it was spread out in front of us, some did go in the freezer, some's left to pick on today, the best bit was using silver trays to cook it all in so there aren't any vile trays to wash up this morning - hurrah! 

We watched MENU on Disney, well what a strange story that is, but watchable, we all sat through it anyway.  If you have any suggestions for something worth watching, I'd love to hear them cos I'm spending too much time next to him watching YouTube videos about cars! 

 Another early night, I did say we'd watch Longmire but I fell asleep by 8 - oops, slept 9hrs 42minutes too according to Fitbit, awake for 2 hours too though, managed to stay in bed till 8 this morning which is awesome for me, I a nightmare for getting up at silly o'clock which I actually did around 5 but sorted cats nipped to loo and went back to bed and snoozed again.

No plans for today, that's the way I like my winter weekends.

Whatever your up to - enjoy, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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