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Tuesday 24 January 2023

Roast on a Monday

Tuesday 24th January 2023
Smile no matter what the scales say.

Well it's weigh day and it won't be pretty but I did have a lovely birthday week!  Yesterday was a little improved we had a roast pork dinner 

which was delicious and I did poach eggs on toast for breakfast,


which are a ball ache to make if the truth be told.  I had a slice of my sisters cheese pie for lunch which wouldn't have been 'healthy' or 'low in any calories' tasty though.  The pork was £7 from Aldi, made 3 meals with plenty meals and done sandwiches for today and there's still some left that would actually do another dinner, so when you compare it to sliced meat, it's cheaper, I'm contemplating an electric carving knife so I can slice the meat thinner, could do with a meat slicer but that's too big a gadget. 

I did spend a couple of hours doing housework so that burned a few calories, bloody hurts my back though and then I enjoyed a film without anyone else about, it was lovely.  The film 'Palmer' with Justin Timberlake was really good, I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

It was lovely to have a few hours to myself but doing housework isn't how I'd chose to spend that time, I am glad it's done though.  I started my good things book that Elle got me, I'm leaving it on the living room table so I am reminded to fill it in.  It's easy to think of more good, positive things that make you smile when you focus on those things and not the negatives.

Yesterday's good things included the film, having a tidy house, Minnie coming for a cuddle (she's not a cuddly cat usually), poached eggs mmm, roast dinner double mmm, everyone coming home happy, himself going another day without fags.  See it's the little things in life that are the big things really.

No idea what we're eating today, I've put their lunch up, I have a couple of Hello Fresh from last week that I froze the meat so can do them this week at some point.  I've leftover pork and gravy, which I fancy with mash in a yorkie pud, that could be my lunch, skip breakfast and enjoy that when I get home, I can't eat 3 meals I either have breakfast or lunch, mostly because my meals are big if I'm honest.  

Mmm, what to have for dinner, I have gnocchi in the cupboard, maybe that for a change, something a bit different.  

Right I'm off, not much else to share, catch ya tomo, I'm still in Facebook jail for my groups, but hey ho, tis life.

Mwah, luv ya

love me x

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