
Beverley has prepared the content of Bev's World irresponsibly and carelessly. She therefore disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, originality or completeness of the drivel presented on this blog or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. She vehemently denies that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Beverley shall not be liable for inflicting laughter, shame, disgust, torrents of tears and the eventual desiccation or crashing boredom on readers.

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Friday 10 September 2021

BOOM - Entering my 5th week!

Friday 10th September 2021
If you do it - it works,,,
Another great day at the huddles, I never tire of seeing the same faces week in week out, and I just love seeing a face I haven't seen for a while, our people are the best people and I have to say Elle's meeting idea this week has been one of the best we've done, everyone has thoroughly enjoyed it.  There was also lots of weight loss and certificates handed out as well as member who've had a good time over the summer and back to start again after their holidays. 

As for me, well I'm truly on track, another day in the bag, ended on 1213 calories, and these are my fitbit stats, check me out, no wine since Monday, will be indulging tonight in a couple though.   

I even did two workouts yesterday because once I'd finished the first I thought why not, that half hour went quickly and knowing I'm going to be busy the weekend, I decided to get an extra one under my belt.  Thank you Body Project for keeping me motivated https://youtu.be/eyvHfxgCAJQ followed by https://youtu.be/qfe4vzupWjI it obviously helped my sleep too as I finally got over 8 hours last night, even if I did wake up every hour! 

As well as the huddle tomorrow, we're off to this, if you're about Saturday, pop in and take a look, it's at our Tuesday venue.  

Foodwise, I had one of those cold coffees for my breakfast, they are my weakness, I love them and was thrilled that it was only 126 calories, they do a smaller one too in the one I had. They're part of a tesco meal deal the big one, I'd had it since Saturday and resisted.

I almost forgot to eat lunch but remembered about half 3 so had a quick ham sandwich before leaving for huddle on night, then when I got home I really enjoyed this, so filling, 631 calories

Now look at this beauty, I cut her down to the stump the middle of June because she was getting way out of control and was covered in greenfly, well she was having none of that was she!  If I was a believer in the afterlife I'd say mom had something to do with this growing so much so quickly because she loved that buddleja (butterfly bush) and of course purple was her favourite colour, she'd sit watching the butterflies fly in front of the living room window heading towards it. 

So yeah that was my day more or less, oh except someone honking their horn really loud at me and scaring the life out of me as I was leaving the mem last night, proper made me jump, I said to Carol, 'what was that?', we decided it was probably on the road, then it happened again and I could see Elle in the car behind me so I thought is it Elle?   Stopped and got out, I'd only left the boot open on my car, so now Elle is becoming my full on carer lol!  I'd behave if she was I can tell ya!  She looks all sweetness and light but don't be fooled, when her mom voice comes out, I do as I'm told!

Excellent news yesterday too, a friend let me know she'd had the all clear from the hospital after her op and seeing the words 'cancer can be beaten' really made my day, so many people out there fighting battles we have no idea about, which is why we should always be kind xx

On that note, I've got lots to do this morning, making my awesome beef curry Bev's Beef & Bone Curry (behappyowls.com), fit in a workout, walk Alfie and maybe hoover all over (boo) or maybe not lol. 

Have a very, very great day, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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