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Tuesday 30 July 2024

What a great life I'm now living!

Tuesday 30th July 2024

Not wrote for a week, mostly because I don't have time first thing but also I've not had much to share, work and housework, crazy cats and a teenager (say no more there), it's all a little repetitive but I like it.

We've just had a lovely weekend away, went straight after work Saturday, it was a nice easy drive down, Aryn and I did some air rifle shooting when we got there to pass the time but he ended up working later than hoped, so we went and got a takeaway ready for when he got back, I didn't go crazy with my portions so not too bad Saturday, oh I stayed the same on the scales on Thursday.  

Sunday we went Quad Biking, I'd only agreed to do it because Aryn wanted us all to do it, I did it in my 20s and went over the handle bars when I hit a tree stump!  Knowing how bloody accident prone I am, I wasn't sure if I should, plus working the gears out etc but I absolutely loved it!  We did a small track first to get us used to it, going over rocks, doing figure of 8 and going up short sharp hill.  He told me I'd got good handling of the bike and I was going at my own pace and that was what he wanted, not to feel I had to keep up with the ones who sped up if I didn't want too.  I was good, I loved it, I'd do it again for sure and recommend Taff Valley Quad Biking   The views of the Welsh hills as you're driving through the fields is amazing.

When we got back to our motorhome, we had a bit of lunch then went to do Clay Pigeon shooting with Andrew on the site when we're staying.  Again, I wasn't fancying it because I didn't think I'd be any good but I hit things and I liked it a lot and I'd definitely do it again.  Again can't recommend this place enough, Facebook a great venue for paintballing events, clay pigeon shooting and other stuff, plus a wonderful place to stay, only 20 minutes from Cardiff.

We enjoyed Sunday night with Andrew and Amanda and the dogs, chilling over a few drinks, then we ordered a Chinese, again I didn't eat loads, so hopefully I'll get another maintain when I get weighed on Thursday.  I'm enjoying life and doing my best, it's the holidays, but when we have the opportunity to have a nice meal out like Aryn and I did on Friday, I'm not gonna turn it down, plus that's what he wants to do as treats rather than going out for the day.

Aryn and I did a bit more air rifle shooting Monday morning, I love it, we were using spring rifles, the one I used Friday was hard to open - I am covered in bruises from supporting it on my body to pull the thing back to load, hilarious because the bruises from me falling down stairs still haven't gone so I look like I've done a few rounds with Tyson!  Thankfully the one he gave me to use Monday was easier to open and I've got to admit I'm hooked, I found it both relaxing from the concentrating and exhilarating from hitting things - it's amazing how excited I can get from hitting a tin can off a target or hitting and spinning a spoon :) I am definitely looking into buying one, we have a firing range not far away at home.  Plus if we got a licence for Ireland we have loads of land to set up our own thing for us to play.  

Moving on, we were so lucky yesterday coming home, it had told me it would take two and a half hours then suddenly it said 15 mins delay where we were on the M5, then within a minute it changed to 28 minutes, then 44 minutes then it said ROAD CLOSED - DAMN! We were 100 yards from a services but I'm thinking you can only get off and straight back on but suddenly my phone map said 'redirecting' and told me to take the service exit, I'm in the 3rd lane but thankfully the lorry to my left pulled off and I got in that lane easily, then the car in the service lane let me in and we made the service exit which took me down a 'do not enter  - hotel only' road but we entered and we never saw a hotel!  We did however get took a new route and despite the diversion and all the problems on the motorways we got back in more or less the original time.  I was so relieved, I couldn't have imagined being stuck in the car 28 degrees with a teenager till 10pm, not sure what had happened on the motorway, hope no one was hurt too badly.

I need to get ready for work, looking forward to my week, have a great day xx

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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