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Wednesday 3 July 2024

I got this!

Wednesday 3rd July 2024

Yep we've got this!  I feel good in myself, the weekend has motivated me to get a grip and watching myself exercising in the mirror at the gym with my new 'square' body is my constant reminder that I want that t-shirt I bought myself last Friday to fit loser!  I got this!

Day 2 in the bag, it looked like this; 


I really enjoyed my breakfast, like an omelette when it's cooked right.  The hollandaise sauce on my lunch I'd bought before getting on track, I wouldn't buy it again, it wasn't worth the calories, the smoked salmon pate I bought on a whoopsie was nice for 195 calories in 1/2 tub, that more than covered my breakfast muffin well, I was pleased to see they're only 147 calories each.  Will probably have one for breakfast with the rest of the pate to use it up as it was use by yesterday but I haven't told it, it's the next day :) 

I'd also bought a chicken on a whoopsie sticker so cooked that and made a bit of a dinner with it fancied corn on the cob after seeing it on a photo in our group so that was dinner sorted, purple sprouting for the first time in a long time - lush. 

All in all I had a good day of food, slightly over on my calories but I'm good with that because I've put that I want to lose 2lb a week, I'd rather do that and go over a little than be given 1777 for 1/2 - 1lb a week and use them all up just because, this is just for this week to get me back under control, I'll reconsider each week.

I'm aware that I need to up my fruit and veg intake, I'm using the new journal to count plant points and so far I've only had nine, so aiming for nearer the 30 a week, knowing they need to be different ones is a challenge because I eat similar veggies and don't do much fruit.  I'm up for the challenge!

I had planned to go to gym yesterday but didn't make it as I had to nip to M&S to use a £15 voucher which only had a couple of days left to use, so I shall go after the huddle today, got a pilates class booked and might go for a swim.  Need to ask Aryn what his plan is for tonight as if he's going to gym and MMA, I need to plan what I'm doing at the gym and for the 2 hours he's at MMA!

Day 3, I've got tagliatelle and tomato and mascarpone pasta sauce with pork mince to cook today, it works out at 509 calories per portion, I'll do veggies with mine, to up the veggies, it does look nice!  

Here's to another good day, on track, burning calories, taking care of my body! 

I got this!  

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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