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Tuesday 23 July 2024

I'm such a klutz!

 Tuesday 23rd July 2024

In a motorhome, there's no place to hide :) the toilet is next to everything lol and I'm, let's say - regular, we'll leave it there.  Joking aside, we've had a much needed, chilled out, long weekend away just outside Cardiff.

Loved the campsite Facebook, it's only got 5 pitches, no hook ups, but we have solar now so we don't need anything other than water and a disposal point.  It's on a shooting park, we didn't do that this time but I'd like to have a go next time.  This weekend we just chilled and I loved every minute of it.

Got back last night, but ignored all the things that needed doing like stacks of washing and housework, instead I had an early night.  Woke this morning by an alarm going outside, a shop I think, then to top it off - I feel down the stairs - seriously, I'm such a clumsy bitch.  I was carrying an empty laundry basket down, so grazed my arms on the stair carpet - boo!

 No 'dieting' this weekend, so we shall see what the scales say Thursday, I've not been crazy naughty but I've enjoyed myself, we had one pub meal, I had fish and chips but I leave the batter as I'm not a fan so that wouldn't have been too bad.  We had a maccy's cos there was nothing open and we were hungry.  I'll aim for healthy for the rest of the week.

I ached everywhere before I feel down the stairs, that's not helped at all!  Hey ho, let's start the day, I feel really good otherwise, the weekend has done me the world of good.

Here's to a great Tuesday!

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me x

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