
Beverley has prepared the content of Bev's World irresponsibly and carelessly. She therefore disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, originality or completeness of the drivel presented on this blog or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. She vehemently denies that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Beverley shall not be liable for inflicting laughter, shame, disgust, torrents of tears and the eventual desiccation or crashing boredom on readers.

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Tuesday 27 August 2024

Never stop trying!

Tuesday 27th August 2024

I'm officially a rubbish loser lately!  I'm talking weight loss, but I decided over the weekend (yeah I know once again!) that I need to get a grip.  I've had a lovely summer, spending most weekends in Wales, eating out or having takeaways and not going to the gym!

We stayed home this weekend and got stuff done, we did go out Saturday night and had a takeaway and whilst getting ready, I noticed the addition of a new spare tyre round my waist or maybe it's an existing one that's got bigger!  I didn't like it, I felt uncomfortable because of it all weekend, so it's time to get a grip.  Someone put a post on Facebook on Sunday saying 4 months today it would be Christmas day and I thought - EEK!  I love Christmas but it's another time where over indulging is guaranteed, so I need to lose some before I gain again!  I love eating and drinking and I'll never change but I can control it and have some weight loss success now ready for the fun.  

Right let's do this!  

I've fancied hot dogs all week so I bought the dogs Sunday morning and I will be having them today, they're all tracked ready as my main meal, you can eat anything as long as it's within your calories and you track it!  I plan to 'plan' my days going forward too, if it ain't on the tracker, it ain't going in the mouth.  Oh and the rest of the week will be healthier choices than hot dogs but I fancied them and as I'll be opening the can, I may have to have them tomorrow because Aryn don't like them! 

They'll be a lot of freezer eating this week, I don't want to go shopping when I have so much in there that needs using, I will nip to Aldi today but only for water and maybe a bit of salad or some veg although I have froze veggies in freezer.

I need to ease myself back into the gym, I stopped going because of an injury to my knee and also because it's the holidays and Aryn's home, so I'll definitely go tomorrow and Friday, was gonna say today too but that's expecting too much from myself, I have a busy day with 3 huddles!  Plus I don't wanna do 3 sessions this week and set myself back. 

I did burn some good calories Friday cleaning the house, all 'exercise' doesn't have to be at the gym, I did 38 active minutes doing the cleaning, it's not fun but the after effects (i.e. lovely clean house) is great.

I need to focus on one pound a week loss, not try and be super good because that's when it goes wrong because I miss the stuff I like and then I fall off the weight loss wagon and land on a big food truck! 

1777 calories per day is my allowance, if I actually think about what I'm eating, I can have good meals with that and include a bit of red wine, although I'm going to cut down on that in the week.

That's enough 'I'm going to do this....' statements, again, I need to focus on one thing at a time.  I measured myself yesterday as I wanted to work out what size I needed to order for a dress off the internet - ouch, that wasn't pretty.

On a positive, my pain levels aren't too bad at all, I still can't stand for long periods of time but I can move about and do stuff like house cleaning without crying.  I did this house lovely Friday although looking at it now with a drill on the cat box and the box open on the living room floor - you wouldn't think it!  He's not great at putting his stuff away, but in his defence, he had to get off so he wasn't sorting the motorhome in the dark when he got to the site. 

Right, it's Tuesday morning and I need to get ready for work, which I'm happy to go to because I've had a lovely weekend with family, went out with one brother Saturday, had the other come for lunch yesterday, that was unplanned but good, plus of course spending the weekend with the family I've made and chosen to spend my life with, I'm a very, happy lady in my world, I can't believe this time next week, it'll be 3 years since he knocked my door again and he hasn't left my life since.

Let's have a good day, I'm going to!

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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