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Tuesday 20 August 2024

Living my best life

Tuesday 20th August 2024

I really am living my best life but it's really not helping my weight loss efforts, I mean who's going to turn down this meal; 



He took me out Saturday lunchtime when I got to Wales after work and we went to The Cefn Mably Arms it was incredible, it was all we ate that day though ;) as the food put him in a coma very early evening when we got back and he slept almost 12 hours, he works really hard too of course.

Sunday was a quite day, bacon sandwich for breakfast, a couple of hours at the shooting range, one of the chaps letting me have a go with his rifle and then we enjoyed a delicious Chinese takeaway with the owner of the park, sitting round the fire pit later enjoying the quiet evening.  

I had me another hour Monday morning with my air rifle hitting some targets, then drove back home without incident this week!  I was prepared this time though, everything was packed properly, his dirty washing in a proper laundry bag and my clothes in a suitcase :) 

Aryn fancied a Chinese for his tea so I was okay, thought I'll just have fried rice and a pancake roll, I have to say it wasn't good, Willow House by the Pheasant is not as good as it one was, the best round here is Golden Wok off Stubby Lane roundabout but they don't open on a Monday.  How a Chinese takeaway can make a mess of egg fried rice is beyond me!

Now to try and eat some healthy food for the rest of the week!

I was in bed for half seven last night, I've had 9h 8m sleep according to Fitbit, lots of dreaming though, I'm not a fan of this dreaming lark!  

Anyway, I've got to get ready for work, eggs for breakfast, they're free range from the park he's staying at, Andrew gave them to me Sunday night, I left his some and managed to find myself a tub to bring the rest home, they'll taste amazing!  

Here's to a great day, 

Mwah, luv ya 

Love me xx

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